Under the heading "Election posters that have never been glued "I open today the topic of political parties. The poster in the picture is a blueprint for the federal election campaign in 2008 and should be placed at selected locations in Munich. Why did not I tell here. I take this occasion to fundamental events and states of the political parties in Germany to describe the basis of my own observations over forty years. Finally, I then describe the formation and decay of the Free Union, the Pauli-party. It is a kind of cleanup work.
I'm sure many of my generation have had similar experiences and similar conclusions for their political attitudes and political action pull. My own party political biography ultimately led to nowhere. The insight helps to look at the matter soberly. Things are just so, as they are.
The entry in my political life was marked by interest in the matter. So I borrowed the Inzeller Community Library from the reading-age books about King Ludwig II, Hitler, 2 World War, German Empire, Goebbels Diaries, Catherine the Great, Konrad Adenauer and other tomes from. The former library director and schoolteacher Franz Küfmann bit back the loan are not aware whether this was not a bit dry. Probably such bookworms are now referred to as nerds. However, I found these things interesting. There was a large-scale civic participation did not exist in Inzell. It was about the then-powerful mayor Ludwig Schwabl. City Council votes were unanimous in general, although the CSU had the majority and Schwabl Social Democrat was.
The first political event was in early 1981 Bräu . The then young teacher Hans Scheurl dared to open a local branch of the Greens and brought entirely new things to light, such as citizens' initiative, referendum, plebiscite Elements. In a rural-based society in which only few have the say, it was a monstrosity. Scheurl but was actually in the local council, because in the rural population and also let me God gave thanks flows, which focuses on the preservation of the landscape and livelihoods. Ludwig Schwabl had in fact put on a strict policy of growth with immense landscape home consumption and sale at any price. The Greens took the first time the environmental issue on the table. From Scheurl I was given a book in which I an essay by Professor Peter Cornelius Mayer-Tasch moved to opportunities for public participation in particular. I thought from then on, anyone can contribute something to the political development of democracy.
The Greens, I was not, but for the CSU. And that turned out like this: When the then Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was sawed off from the SPD, there was feeling of the collection of so-called bourgeois camp. As a small business my parents could never do with Socialists, Nazis, Communists and other parties, the risk that private property and personal freedom, something. And so I felt a kind of optimism between 1981/82, so as the Franz-Josef Strauss's mouth ripped open and there was always high political entertainment. We grew up with characters such as Herbert Wehner , Willi Brandt, Joseph Beuys and Petra Kelly on. This intellectual and energetic opponents could only Strauss countered with rhetorical verve and he tied many commoners, which Helmut Kohl and Genschman were too lax. It was found then that in the early summer of 1982 drove local chapter of the CSU Inzell a bus to Munich. It hosted a major demonstration of the CSU Bavaria, were present on more than 50,000 people. The mood was solved. The local CSU bosses and workers took Wagerl with a beer keg, on which was "We stink the left": a clear message. This Wagerl we came up against the grandstand and the Franz-Josef-served personally, the ex was actually a half and was sweating like a pig. The crowd was zuschwadroniert of Strauss and driven to the enthusiasm. Snipers stood around on the Greek temples of King Square and protesters thanked the cops: "Thank you protect us," After the Augustiner beer garden there was a funny ending and I was so excited by this political event that I have CSU in the bus my application for membership signed.
The choice Helmut Kohl led them to an unimaginable boom. The stock and bond prices shot up and I was one and a half years later, a boy in the Union. There I ran with so and there was even a party, but in 1985 I got a Politikrappel and founded on the former Chiemgau-Gymnasium Traunstein with a few mates, the students union and distributed on the 40th 8th May a pamphlet. The foundation stone was laid, and we immediately zofften with opponents for two hours in the office of the Director, because the editors left the student newspaper ran a cartoon with a DDR-wall soldier was too hard. The leftists were able to sit down and censor the cartoon. The instincts wanted me so that I perform with the student union fights harder and let me choose the chairman. I was in the assessor in the district board of county-Ju, the then Peter Ramsauer led. These were the very friendly meeting and we got to know many village farms in the county. Peter Ramsauer was present at the election for chairman of the student union. I lost a handful of votes, because I could not drum up enough buddies. An appointment as Vice I refused because I knew that the winner was passive and would not do anything. I did not want to buck under him and wasting my time. Students Union was received in the course of months. And I went through withdrawal because I am a member of the zero-frame generation that got.
1987, I organized a citizens' initiative against a senseless beltway in Inzell and received by Ludwig Schwabl personally a clean word withdrawal at an event and the teacher Otto Ripper a clever censorship in Inzell town scoreboard. In 1990 I went on a list of independent voters community. I reached a moderate success as a 24 year old by improving to three list seats forward. At this time a mayoral candidate was in meetings with his 40 years as "young players". To about 35 political thinking was already exotic and political participation, even in low-paid parties. Hans Scheurl, the village green was about 20 years, the representatives of the youth. I was by him not so excited when I saw him a house in the original was allowed to build outside, directly at the nature reserve. The green ideals were clearly the devil.
So I took me a heart so, went to Munich and began a new career as an ordinary member of the CSU-Schwabing local chapter, led by Ludwig Spaenle . Spaenle treated the jovial members courteous and took us to the town meeting with, where we submitted a few applications edged. Obviously, but I pimped as a lover of heated debate too much, which I rubbed Sven Thanheiser times in a night café inside. I was asleep the whole thing and eventually came back from 1992/93. The visit of a CSU-Balls I was basically too upscale; I did not feel angezogen.Thanheiser then delivered a much-publicized power struggle, lost, and continued his political activity in a breakaway group and then in the SPD, with whom he came into the city council. Ludwig Spaenle stuck his hand in the Leopold Street campaign posters and was minister of culture.
Due to improving my financial situation I could finally start my dream to study at the University of Politics . 1996 were then fellow establishing an RCDS-college group, emerged from the flower and Markus Dorothee Baer. The amazing thing about this party political grouping was the tremendous professionalism with of the ten years his junior were approaching the matter. Spent little time with conflicts in their own or other political camp and that was a foretaste of the change towards the Berlin Republic as we know it today. Little to no profile, or originality, but efficient in the absorption of information, communication and networking. Especially not the booze already. In a JU-Zeitung of 1983, Ramses (= Peter Ramsauer) still jokes about too much wheat beer at the State Board meeting. The political culture, I saw, had fundamentally changed. Stubborn head like Peter Gauweiler scandal or noodles as Aribert Wolf Joachim Haedke were already at the turn of Sales.
the late 90s I became aware of the ÖDP first time that had supporters in Munich. I got to know Thomas Prudhomme, who was not too bad a candidate for an election on hopeless positions, and put posters up. Prudhomme was interesting because he was trying to realize his conservative-ecological lifestyle with economic means. He did this for years about building Green City Energy . This is an offshoot or so-called spin-off of the Ideal Society Green City. Prudhomme was able to establish his company, but kept largely to his convictions in which he focused on local projects such as the Prater power plant limited and not brainless half zuballerte Spain with solar power plants with wind turbines and Saxony. The ÖDP was then entered into my consciousness and brought 1997, the petition for the abolition of the Bavarian Senate on the road. The CSU annoyed me at the time of their lobbying. That the Senate on the way out of long-established association and chamber-economy was a redistribution of body-conscious lot. Nevertheless, the Senate postponed in favor of advertising brochures and a man in a wheelchair before and claimed that the Senate was for the socially disadvantaged, disabled, etc. there. Since, therefore, people and minorities have been abused to justify the rip-off of the incumbent. It was simply unbearable and 1998 I chose the ÖDP, the times did not return to Parliament. At least I was on election night the ÖDP boss Bernhard Suttner on the way to the Ritz after the Maximilianeum across. He looked, as always, as it would smell after a jute sack, and I could call out. "I lifted g'wäit calibration"
Edmund Stoiber was already used up, although he still should have increased power. If Bayern had received something from Stoiber, then it was his appeals for 1994/95 around: more power, more risk of internationalization. Many of the zero-Bock-Generation scratched again the curve, started training, studies and demolished more on the behind as the whole twenty years earlier. The appeals Stoiber came but slowly more and not one wanted to the millennium not save, but with and through the coal out of the stock market excesses leave the pig.
then passed a few years in which parties played no role at all and I even no longer took part in elections. In Inzell slept in the 90s, the lost decade, the policy completely, and I tried to contact the Youth Union, because I saw that had to change something. I was then actually listened to a group of young people and the sleepy CSU boss and was surprised that something did. The then Union boy obviously had to feed and Siegfried Walch, a party-political animal. Walch was elected in 2008 in the council Inzell, making it perhaps 20 years, the representatives of the youth and takes part in a unanimous council decisions. My support for the independent and liberal-looking group "Forum Active" in the local election campaign of 2002 also fell asleep.
Politically I was wild when I came as an investor in the Argentina into bankruptcy . What initially looked like being even more interesting case of international financial policy development, more and more into a global farce is less cheaters, who sat in all sorts of authorities and parliaments of this world. There were then no large banks, but smaller banks and private investors involved and we had to get from the likes of Bundesbank concrete head Juergen Stark, investors hate Joachim Poss (social in the Bundestag) and the financial Hiwi Horst Köhler leave with a smile say in the face, we were not relevant to the system. The topic of rescheduling was not one, not a single politician has been really active, trying to draw attention to the complex. There were tens of thousands of German investors pulled right and it caused billions in losses that had been spreading it around and did not appear in the balance sheets of major banks. The individual was betrayed, I realized that I and others had nothing to report, but of politics and administration mode, only the usual large conglomerates had the financial and other industries as a target group in their sights. The private investor is in fact politically irrelevant because not capable organization. On it you can turn properly call him a dirty and speculators do with mood. Private investors have zero lobby. The time had therefore come to communicate in a party the topic and to try to achieve something in this way. The only option offered the FDP. The liberal voters nationwide were politically non-existent and the Union parties had turned into socialists. Small businesses and privateers became pariahs of the red-green-christian socialist policy oligarchy. It was about their own existence.
I joined the FDP at some point and went in 2004 to a master table of the FDP-Kreis Traunstein Sailer Association in the basement. The FDP is the CSU Gäu a decided edge group and so were only three people present. The chairman was a pleasant man who looked like the Commissioner ate of the Rosenheim Cops and so much pork and wheat beer drinking. It was about issues, how great it was and how shitty it in Traunstein in Munich and I left the event with the knowledge to enter no longer lives there because of time. In 2005, I then had the muzzle of the policy and the FDP, which basically took nothing nationwide, so full that I got my Lanvin suit from the closet and me as a policy-Yuppie with screen, laptop and professional Power Point presentation to the FDP party people for the parliamentary elections set. The traded as safe Rosenheim commissioner snorted briefly and was the statement that he was married, had a few children and would create more social. I showed my Argentina activities, pointed out the importance of representation of citizens who are not represented and earned a Aufschnaufen and On-The-Clock-seeing. "How do you like to arrive at the people?" Zero votes for me and the elegant finishing a teacher that I should go with my ambitions to CSU.
I had to change the district association. Munich was now the Eldorado of the yellow-blue force and there I found myself at an event in a Neuperlach that was modern, we should call political issues and vote on who should be treated. I chose a polarizing political field: the Government should einheizen times the Munich taxi company. The driver had no knowledge of everything, would have at the intended destination Stachus look at the map. The cars are often filthy and you would get constantly forced upon private conversations. Could you introduce conditions not London? The topic was not of course taken I can not recall a single other. But compared to Traunstein was a great moment. That controversy in the FDP were not required, I was sent clear, as the Member of Parliament Rainer Stinner showed up. Stinner made in 2002 not about to incorporate into my pre-transmitted Argentina problem, although at that time had the largest state of insolvency of all time is a core issue of the alleged financial market party must be. He was for many years and that was not good. The voters and the party member that is not a reward unrest.
2007 I started a few campaigns and had a few FDP'ler out, but found no interest. The entire FDP followed clearly the strategy of the only non-striking. Was constantly reminded to close ranks and a consistent image to the outside. It was a party leader Guido Westerwelle and thousands quieter option. I was also aware that my views on display at the Unionsbräu regulars and a few e-mails came over too hard. In fact, I longed so after the fraud of the Union to its own people and the rest motivated einzuheizen Stoiber and Co. and was also let off once pent-up steam. There was simply no actions; pure boredom, an association of Hausmütterln who gave himself academically and was a political void.
was a culmination for the mounting assembly to local election 2008th It appeared the long-term FDP'ler Jörg Hoffmann, his wife and the Returning Officer Dieter ripple. One lady put her at the beginning of their membership card with before, I think with 40 years of membership. That Hoffmann had a secure first place, was predetermined. It was about the second, the lady claimed for themselves and also in the crucial vote was unanimously against me. Then I could sit down to last place and thought of the local legal possibility for individual candidates to be allowed to make for the campaign. This I took advantage to pull off a highly personal art project in Maximilianstrasse for which I would otherwise have difficulty getting a special use permit. The membership had been worthwhile.
After the early summer of 2008 an entire evening of party elections me access unknown members was and give me Dieter ripple until the word did not want me, however, pointed to short lecture on it, he would have been considered for a long time my expulsion from the party, I went once in the Unionsbräu. There, they discussed the campaign and notable was the message of the campaign strategists Daniel people, it would not matter whether the published polls voted real, but that would only believe the voters that they vote. So if an election forecast, the FDP would have 10%, people would believe the FDP and choose. One must only and wait to be there. I then by two applications for the town meeting to create the Isarpromenade and sent it to Jörg Hoffmann, with a request to finally do something. Hoffmann wrote back to me, my style is too aggressive, both partisan and personal. Hoffmann is one in P1 to Rumsteherfraktion, so the men standing with arms crossed or hands in his pockets at the edge of the dance floor rocking and watching the dancers. He personifies the identity of the local fabric softener FDP.
On his campaign posters and other FDP were "married" to "1-2-3-4 children," "Dr. blah." "Dipl. blah." "Politics for young and old "," Professionals in the City Council "to any content or character I can not remember
I made a FDP analysis:... Interpersonal me the party was completely alien, it was a soft Force, with slick resumes that are just there. were of course represented their own interests, especially for fishermen in the so-called liberal professions, which are not free, but up to last through regulated. My assumption that the FDP would want to move anything, was . completely wrong I was totally wrong and so there was only one decision. I came out, put my card into the dustbin FDP and declared the party unnecessary.
Then Gabriele Pauli.
Then Gabriele Pauli.
The CSU-rebel has become known as "Beautiful Gaby" threw out the liberal voters and announced to form their own party. I found that interesting because Paul was an animal media and seemed to consider their personal thing through. This is in the party only possible if you have a very strong position, perhaps as Defense Guttenberg. Pauli was a first press conference in Hofbräukeller. Since I was not far from that, I went and sat down with journalists. Paul babbles something esoteric. Present also was a friendly man I was to learn later know as a supporter of the first hour: Werner Winkler . Winkler said that the Pauli doing what is really special and I liked the strong media presence. Gaby had therefore done it again: The newspapers were full and the parliament journalists had once again an issue.
It was therefore held the party's founding meeting. At the table sat right revolutionaries who were from the CSU and the policy at all disappointed. That was ever a good debut. I hovered in front of anything from an Internet-based organization and I asked a few of the little existing younger, but soon realized that many companies wanted to hire professional operation of the policy and a move towards the individual as the party of the pirates was impossible. Unbelievable was the feed for the posts of the party executive. Dozens of candidates presented themselves (= married, children, career, and more also). When the day was drawing to an end, I settled on the state list down for the state election and was elected an associate judge in the State Executive Committee. So I got information without having to have obligations. I could not believe the peace is not because I did not know how I and the people should assess in particular Gabriele Pauli.
So it was that I was invited to a meeting of the Federal Executive and National Council, which took place in the green woods villa of architect Sep Ruf. The Second Chair, Sabrina Olsson, invited to and I could see these precious flat even from within. My motivation was good. I had transposed the idea of the depicted election poster with a graphic designer and dreamed of a short, funny general election campaign in selected locations in Munich with actions of a colorful cast. I showed the poster and we introduced ourselves. Since enough people for the party building were there, I did not want to spend more time and injected with the Question on whether Sep Ruf had asked Buddha figurine in his house.
A party establishment is not in itself a great act, the internet site, the Union stood fast. But with the weeks it became increasingly clear that had gathered around Pauli real exotics. From the shaman of a lobbyist for paganism and a former member of the Natural Law Party much was there. Of course, an inevitable Nazi, cause harm. I decided to come out him and thus get rid of. This was and I was able to enjoy a little revenge after my great-uncle Bernard Engelberger in 1933 by the Nazis were driven out of parliament.
What I did not expect: it is now opening a party planning procedures against me because I had the Free Union harmed. I got an e-mail, "rest" with the party membership would mean. In a nearly one and a half hours of interrogation, I had to answer questions, but could not prevent the initiation of the process and convince the people do not believe that Nazis are preparing just already problems and pursuing their own party but in a direction could. In this days I got with it is that it was communication problems with Gabriele Pauli. On the Internet platform were critical reports of individual board members. Paul was accused of giving lord of the manor uncoordinated statements. I gave the party no future. Gabriele Pauli was simply overwhelmed. The individuals of the first hour would have to be networked professional. Pauli was not used to such people because they could bully as a long-term counselor in Zirndorf there instructions relies officials and those officials it decreased the substantive work. A few scandals confirmed my assessment. The management of the Free Union flew apart and failed admission to federal elections. Werner Winkler then complained to the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal Pauli, lost, and the party a more effective Also, a real man, worth protecting original, the Rottaler Sepp stopped, and finally Gabriele Pauli themselves what makes the Free Union, I do not know.
The interesting people to a large extent, the CSU or other party could have used. An effective media conversion did not succeed. My party political life was finally over and I are a few things clear.
I am for a traditional party membership at all appropriate because I represent their own interests, but not the interest of a party. The leading members of the established parties see However, this like a business, participating successfully in elections. Therefore do not controversial issues are brought to the table, the best one is just there, trying to adapt to the respective moods. The so-called interest aggregation, ie, the expression of individual members through their political problems, such as that of Argentina or any other place, in parties rather than not at all: It's all about coal and campaign strategy. I call these parties collectively parties
There are currently only two exceptions. The ÖDP and the Pirate Party. The ÖDP fighting idealist, a lost and looking for niches for their lifestyle. A strict subordination there is not, people like Sebastian Frankenberger do their thing and may let off steam. Similarly, the Pirate Party: There can discuss any controversial and sometimes tuck in neatly. But still finds there instead of too little coordination. I call these parties individual parties.
What is missing is a party that reconciles the tensions of individualism and collectivism, not individual initiatives prevented, but basic political life that are more collective in nature, mediated. As long as it's not such a party, there will be no qualitative social progress, as the protagonists of new lifestyles, is not this a waste of time hurt in party committees and round tables. Individuals look for other outlets to secure their existence. They are for the state and the society will be lost, if indeed not in the mood to have more and live their perceived exclusion aware. It is a big step from "bothered" to "Kiss my ass."
The prospects of a party membership, I give this advice:
first Do you want to party, take a look at the people. Trust your feelings. Avoid parties without emotional connection. Do not follow programs or statements: people are key.
second Go to collective parties if you sit around like a little palaverst, get a tin plate for the 40-year membership and you in "Events" applaudierst and collect autographs. Go also help if you want an office or mandate. Do this, however, third at a young age and hold on.
Go to individual parties, if you want to pursue any offices or mandates, but believe in change and to certain ideas or have an interest or topic that is new. Check the individual party, whether it be through your requests, whether it is efficient and not annoying you with constant elections for offices and unnecessary disputes. Apply now for an office if you have something to say. Go back when you have said.
4th What you choose does not matter. All parties are identical in and turn their thing. Keep track of what they do and the governments analyzed, what concerns you in your life and draw the consequences for your actions.
5th Never let yourself be abused as an employee. If you put posters up, ask for compensation. Do your thing be or leave it. Give only when you get something.
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