Monday, December 6, 2010

Does Keratintreatment Remove Curls

wikileaks: Village Kramer calls for calm - call to the Federal Minister of Justice

Keywords: Wikileaks - Freedom of the press - Justice - Asylum - treason - Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger - Julian Assange - national security - Federal Republic of Germany - Attorney General - United States of America

Village Kramer has just written a letter to the Federal Minister of Justice:

Dear Federal Minister

due to the overheated debate on the publications of the Internet platform "Wikileaks" ( ) I ask you to examine the case and roughly publicly call for calm .

Wikileaks has so far met no German criminal offense, such as that of treason (§ 94 StGB). Occur but more on signs that Wikileaks calls for actively committing treason by asking officials to release information entrusted. This would be an incitement to breach to § 353 b StGB.

principle I support the freedom of expression and the ability to publish information obtained (see your current bill on press freedom). The thing is, however, dangerous if not respected journalist global legal systems of individual nations.

Specifically, I have no interest in our national security and the safety of every citizen is at risk.

I ask you therefore to analyze the case and to take preventive measures to reduce crime during demonstrable acts preparatory to and stop to ensure the security of the Federal Republic of Germany. An awareness of the Attorney General is, just as necessary as an enhanced public relations especially in the world network (Facebook, etc.). Destructive motivations must be countered by education.

is to respect our rule of law, in particular the protection of freedom of expression and press freedom. In this sense, I ask you also to consider granting asylum to an activist from Wikileaks. Murder calls, you should discourage publicity and calls for criminal publication of data.

The Federal Ministry the judiciary, you have the unique opportunity to the positive aspects of our present system of regulated internationally. In contrast to the United States of America we have, and offenses do not have to resort to mob justice. A legal system of the balance of interests among thoughtful consideration could be an export success, because if it were applied correctly. This includes accelerated procedures and preventive handle any adverse events.

I expect you to recognize the dimension of the case and present a professional, contemporary understanding of ministry.


Stefan Engelberg, PhD. (Village Kramer)


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