Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Isotonic Ban In Thailand

Sports Betting: Süddeutsche Zeitung works for slot machines Gauselmann

The Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported today in a great article on the efforts of the Gauselmann Group to break the monopoly of sports betting:


Looking Back: A few months ago, I (= village Kramer), a sports betting license sought to open it even at the speed skating World Cup in Inzell a small betting shop. This was answered by the Government of Upper Palatinate with a consultation letter. The hurdles were set so high that the idea was not implemented. Applications to rest since then.

has meantime the lobbying industry in position to be related to sports betting to allow for private providers. The German Olympic Sports Federation has to go with it tabled a bill . This is standard practice in politics, because the policy is not designed, but only moderated. The lawyers in the ministries have any less work and less responsibility. The ausgekartelt interests ahead of the lobbying process .

The Süddeutsche Zeitung is waiting today with a bang. She reports at length to penetrate through the efforts of the multi-billion dollar vending machine Gauselmann, in the sports betting market. Unlike political contributions, are such complacency article "Spin" without disclosing affordable. That it is often earnest money is for editors, is an open secret. Gauselmann is currently a party donation system in public.

am with my application for the sports-betting office got through I was not in the media of course. There was no benefit to me, other than an elaboration of the theme and a few memorable quotes.

Now it wants the life that has Karsten Gauselmann , the son of "gambling godfather" Inzell bought some time ago in the town. His money must be created or property as the Heißenhof are, as you high maintenance costs immediately tax-effective can use. So I came back to mind the Heißenhof, after I had beheaded on New Years Eve 1987, a bottle of champagne with a system now irrelevant person.

Gauselmann The slot machines are also at the village of Inzell, namely in an area of the former dairy and grocery store of Mrs. Huber Sell, where you had to fill the milk with a ladle, brought in a "Milli Butschn. The milk is now also how gambling and vending goods and so it is that a gaming booth out in the village a peaceful coexistence with a snack and a vacancy. A critique has pointed out time of Mayor Martin Hobmaier publicly what a lot of courage required. It has been noted in many empirical studies show that the gambling machines at is much more dangerous than betting.

The Süddeutsche staple of Gauselmann is therefore for the village Kramer not so bad. If the sports betting liberalized, can he apply for it in theory. In practice, this is so that the adults make their laws and thus also determine the conditions for approval. There is plenty of room to exclude competitors from the start and karteln lobbyists in backrooms in these weeks, who will make the deal. The village Kramer can then buy shares in order to participate in the market. But only if the stock market Gauselmann goes. This is how our capitalism.


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