My rating

conciliatory in tone, uncompromising in the matter
In his autobiographical narrative "In my brother" sat Uwe Timm deal with the SS -past of his brother Karl-Heinz, of the voluntary Totenkopf Division joined, and was wounded on the Eastern Front in October 1943 died. Moreover, the narrative of Uwe Timm is also a relentless reckoning with the hypocrisy and mystification characterized by post-war Germany: the example of his parents, his colleagues and others. Anyone who has ever tried to write critically about themselves and / or his close family member who knows how difficult it is, honest, free of false pathos, balanced, detached, write but conciliatory. All this Uwe Timm has succeeded in an unpretentious manner and at any point of the book he is a rotten compromise with the "guilty" one. He reported that he was only possible to write this book after the death of his parents and his sister. So this course the one hand, unfortunate as it is also because such a book would have had in postwar Germany to another, far more important, but that's probably asking too much, because the "heat of battle" was still omnipresent.
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