Mohyliv-Podilskyi, the ghetto and the dead (Mohyliv-Podilskyi, 4:05:10 to 7:05:10) Mohyliv-Podilskyi is an almost totally unknown town in Ukraine. Only Effort to find some scant information on the web. difficult to understand because Mohyliv-Podilskyi with its 36,000 inhabitants, after all, a city that - has a significant role in the Holocaust of Romanian Jews from Bessarabia
and Bukovina
played - a historical perspective. If you drive by
Czernowitz after Mohyliv-Podilskyi, cross zunächt the
Dnister is and will be in
Transnistria ; meant is that of Romania in World War II annexed territory, and not
Transnistria that is not internationally recognized State East
Moldova .
You can tell that this was once the boundary line between Greater Romania and the Soviet Union . At strategic points can be discovered again and again defenses. On the four-hour ride for about 200 kilometers over holey streets you come across a golden Lenin , but can see at once dilapidated former model socialist cooperatives. Mohyliv-Podilskyi, city on the Dniester river, opposite the Moldavian Otaci , former Ataki, shining in the sun. Here in the heart of the city, is also the Jewish community of Mohyliv-Podilskyi which, under the leadership of its unusually dedicated chairman Leonid Brechman , community life organized. The community has a synagogue and a small but very interesting museum. Here we meet the 88-year-old Srul Lichtman, despite the ghetto, forced labor and persecution, his sense of humor has not lost. people like him to be written by the German pension insurance bureaucrats-German and English (?) To inform them that any pension benefits for former ghetto inmates in order of birth cohorts be processed and they may therefore be patient and await further news. The only question is what comes first, the pension granted or death! video clip (1'38 "): Srul light guy singing Russian and Yiddish Songs.
Srul Lichtman is one of the 279 Jews who live in Mohyliv-Podilskyi, 54 of which have survived the ghetto. Before the war there were 9000 Jews who survived of which only about a third of the Holocaust. Together with tens of thousands who were from all over Bessarabia and Bukovina were deported over the bottleneck Mohyliv-Podilskyi to Transnistria, they huddled together on an area of half a square kilometer. Many of them died after a short time, of which the cemetery Mohyliv-Podilskyi testimony. It covers an area of 17 hectares may be substantially larger than the Jewish cemetery in Chernovtsy , the former capital of Bukovina. However, these poor people be happy when they still had some belongings bribe to the Romanian authorities and thus remain in Mohyliv-Podilskyi can, the rest were on grueling marches sent into the hinterland, where they had no livelihood and have perished miserably of hunger, cold and disease. Some march ended, however, only a few kilometers outside the city, where people robbed, shot and buried in mass graves. The historian from Valeri Voitovici Mohyliv-Podilskyi said to have discovered such a grave.
And indeed, we visit the area from the air and on the ground, it is striking that here but grass is not growing, although it has been several attempts to cultivate this land . A witness, who was ten years old, reports that the shootings by German and Romanian troops for a whole day to have taken place throughout. Valeri Voitovici estimates that up to 25,000 people killed here and buried in this mass grave was. The excavations are within a few days, beginning after the day after Liberation Day held here. ages of Mohyliv-Podilskyi already rehearsing for the celebrations, which are here in every village, celebrated in every town. They are men like that have a decorated veteran who is preparing an end to the Hitler fascism and saved many people from certain death. The Ghetto Mohyliv-Podilskyi should be liquidated on 3/22/1944, was but three days earlier, on 03/19/1944, freed by Soviet troops.