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The German High history teacher and his fears understood before the "inundation"
Would you like the Nazis "Ticked", then it can not hurt to deal with the history that was taught them a few years earlier at the higher educational institutions of the Weimar Republic . Inevitably, you just go to Friedrich Neubauer , the 1913-1923 of the - first - chairman of the Association of History Teachers in Germany and that was the highest German history teacher quasi. Let's start the last page of his published in 1925, textbook to:
The ongoing economic decline of our people is reflected in the strong reduction of the consumption of meat, sugar, wool, cotton, iron, etc. things, in the Malnutrition, the lack of housing, the appalling increase in the number of suicides due to hunger, the very large number of unemployed (December 1923 there were 3 ½ million, together with their families, which still got millions of "short-time workers"; later, the number remained but still great), the "inundation" of our ownership in land, factories, banks, enterprises of any kind, and the pernicious increase of tuberculosis and other endemic diseases. On top of that comes the moral decline of our once by order, loyalty and hard work outstanding people, and the widespread disregard of the law, in the wide layers revealing a lack of state of mind, Sense of community responsibility.
What about "alienation" is meant to be, must be in clear, if we keep in mind that the German Akademikertag 1925, ie in the year of publication of the book by Neubauer, the following motion unanimously adopted:
The alienation of the German universities by Jewish teachers and students is a bolt vorzuschieben. More teachers of Jewish descent are no longer called. For the students of the numerus clausus is introduced.
But Neubauer does not just worried about the "alienation" in their own country, in another place it says:
A question of particular importance is the immigration, to which the country depends. While German, mostly high-quality immigration has become very low, sought in the last decades large, on much deeper cultural standing crowds from Eastern Europe (Slavic, East European Jews) and the Romanesque Southern Europe, the United States.
If these quotes the book and the person Friedrich Neubauer really fair? No, because on the one hand he could not foresee the dramatic nature of the further development, on the other hand, were his fears of "foreign infiltration" most of the day. If there it is, "he encouraged the students to provide free work, the . Reflected in the high school were "suspect we might as reactionary as the other teachers at that time was at Wikipedia we learn more about the Association of History Teachers in Germany that persists to this day and - according to own data - 80,000 history teachers of all school types and grades represents .
behaved in the Weimar Republic, the majority of the Association of democracy critically and was close to the German National
"democracy Critical" probably is the euphemism for anti-democratic and arch-reactionary Precisely because of this textbook peaceful youth of the Weimar Republic is not in a. and has supported humane future, is it interesting for the modern reader, but it offers a good example of a tendentious history of education and their consequences.
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