Sunday, February 28, 2010

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A CV - Jewish destiny in Romania 1896-1938

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We have a class party and no race party!

With this demand, the leadership of the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) representations to Stalin in 1946 and tried, unsuccessfully, Ana Pauker , a Jew, and Vasile Luca , the Hungarians, from office and to urge the country. This report Ana Pauker, the wife of Marcel Pauker than they were ten years later, long since removed from power and placed under house arrest, her party members once again to answer the questions must. Unlike their opponents within and outside the party, played the Jewish Identity for the couple Pauker no special role. We learn in particular from the heart of this book, the autobiographical report by Marcel Pauker, which he completed in November 1937 in Moscow, just months before his execution as Stalinist "cleansing victims' . Particularly impressive is the description of his childhood and teenage years, coupled with the emergence of his revolutionary spirit. It is the merit of the editors, William Totok and Erhard Roy Wiehn to have supported this unique document from the Moscow archives of the Security Ministry revealed. The carefully edited and annotated, supplemented by had done interviews and a documentation of Ana Pauker, enables a good insight into the evolution of the communist-socialist movement in Romania, to which Marcel Pauker a significant contribution. The fascination of its ideals must have been enormous, because despite the liquidation of her husband, was Ana Pauker, Stalin and the party faithful, and was in postwar Romania, Foreign Minister and Vice Premier, until outlawed in 1952 because of "deviant activities" and "Zionist connections" and a year was later arrested. This brought the Jewish origin of Ana Pauker once again, but the planned review process was not held against them, because Stalin died on 5 March 1953.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

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Pizza delivery is now more

We bought us a few weeks ago a property and set a house on it. The house is already live but not yet completely finished. Orders of pizzas will be gratefully received and when we are ready with the construction, then the Pizzeria is opened here on site.
Thank you to our customers for their understanding.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

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anthropologia urbana - HOMO CZERNOVICIENSIS

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100 years Czernowitz

This is a photographic journey through the eventful history of the city of Czernowitz in the 20th Century, compiled by Dr. Sergiy sensitive Osatschuk, Director, Center for History of Bukovina Centre at the University of Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkowitsch . In this century, the inhabitants of Czernowitz in Bukovina multinational state had to adjust again and again and sometimes several times to new owners: Austria-Hungary, Romanian, Russian, Soviet and Ukrainian finally. Some may argue that this picture-the notes are missing, but many others will find that just stimulates the imagination of the viewer. Everyone can discover for themselves the most impressive image and will and must make the book either.

Friday, February 12, 2010

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broad history were there for higher educational institutions

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The German High history teacher and his fears understood before the "inundation"

Would you like the Nazis "Ticked", then it can not hurt to deal with the history that was taught them a few years earlier at the higher educational institutions of the Weimar Republic . Inevitably, you just go to Friedrich Neubauer , the 1913-1923 of the - first - chairman of the Association of History Teachers in Germany and that was the highest German history teacher quasi. Let's start the last page of his published in 1925, textbook to:

The ongoing economic decline of our people is reflected in the strong reduction of the consumption of meat, sugar, wool, cotton, iron, etc. things, in the Malnutrition, the lack of housing, the appalling increase in the number of suicides due to hunger, the very large number of unemployed (December 1923 there were 3 ½ million, together with their families, which still got millions of "short-time workers"; later, the number remained but still great), the "inundation" of our ownership in land, factories, banks, enterprises of any kind, and the pernicious increase of tuberculosis and other endemic diseases. On top of that comes the moral decline of our once by order, loyalty and hard work outstanding people, and the widespread disregard of the law, in the wide layers revealing a lack of state of mind, Sense of community responsibility.

What about "alienation" is meant to be, must be in clear, if we keep in mind that the German Akademikertag 1925, ie in the year of publication of the book by Neubauer, the following motion unanimously adopted:

The alienation of the German universities by Jewish teachers and students is a bolt vorzuschieben. More teachers of Jewish descent are no longer called. For the students of the numerus clausus is introduced.

But Neubauer does not just worried about the "alienation" in their own country, in another place it says:

A question of particular importance is the immigration, to which the country depends. While German, mostly high-quality immigration has become very low, sought in the last decades large, on much deeper cultural standing crowds from Eastern Europe (Slavic, East European Jews) and the Romanesque Southern Europe, the United States.

If these quotes the book and the person Friedrich Neubauer really fair? No, because on the one hand he could not foresee the dramatic nature of the further development, on the other hand, were his fears of "foreign infiltration" most of the day. If there it is, "he encouraged the students to provide free work, the . Reflected in the high school were "suspect we might as reactionary as the other teachers at that time was at Wikipedia we learn more about the Association of History Teachers in Germany that persists to this day and - according to own data - 80,000 history teachers of all school types and grades represents .

behaved in the Weimar Republic, the majority of the Association of democracy critically and was close to the German National

"democracy Critical" probably is the euphemism for anti-democratic and arch-reactionary Precisely because of this textbook peaceful youth of the Weimar Republic is not in a. and has supported humane future, is it interesting for the modern reader, but it offers a good example of a tendentious history of education and their consequences.

Monday, February 1, 2010

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Frederik Grinberg and JNAV Zephirah

Frederik Grinberg came on 22 February 1938 as Frederic Grünberg Czernowitz, the former capital of the Bukovina , on the world.

an extremely bad time for a child from a Jewish home, for only two months had previously Octavian Goga and Alexandru C. Cuza Taken over the leading anti-Semites in Romania, the business of government. Their party, the PNC , led the swastika as party symbol and Hitler's Nazi Party as a model by which it was actively supported. Discrimination against the Jews in all economic and living areas reached the end of the thirties in Romania, a new peak. The parents of Frederic Grunberg, Isac Jacob and Rachel Lea Green Mountain remained not spared.

On 4 September 1940 was Ion Antonescu of King Carol II appointed as prime minister with unlimited powers. On 22 June 1941 Romania joined in the Second World War and participated in Germany's side in the invasion of the Soviet Union . The person appointed by Ion Antonescu military governor of Bukovina, Brigadier General Corneliu Calotescu , issued on 11 October 1941 the order to build a ghetto in Czernowitz. Two days later, on 13 October 1941 began the first deportations to Transnistria . The members of the family Grünberg from then on had to wear the Star of David. had to wear While the parents of Fred Gruenberg and his two grandmothers, Frima Grünberg and Mariem Seternberg, "normal" stars of David, was "allowed" to the then three-year-old Frederic wear a "little" star that he is still up now preserved.

The only chance to escape deportation to Transnistria was a Unabkömmlichkeitsbescheinigung of the then mayor of Czernowitz, Romania, Traian Popovici . He's going against the Nazi allies Ion Antonescu made and thus saved some 20,000 Jews from likely death. After the war, is Traian Popovici of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem as Righteous among the Nations been honored.

Isac Jacob Green Mountain was in the Town Hall as deputy bureau chief for the water works of Czernowitz jurisdiction and thus had the coveted Unabkömmlichkeitsbescheinigung. Only then could the family of the war years in the city - more bad than good and in constant fear - to survive. Before the war was Isac Jacob Green Mountain the educated elite of Czernowitz, and was a member of the Jewish National academic liaison JNAV Zephirah .

The JNAV Zephirah in 1897, founded the year of the first Zionist Congress . After the First World War she gave herself a program of radical Zionist and also radical-democratic orientation. The rare images from the estate of Jacob Isac Green Mountain (right, top row, 6th from right) are from the years 1920 and 1938, the year of birth of Frederic Green Mountain.

After the Second World War, Frederic Green Mountain to Frederik Grinberg, but the shadows of the past get him in the Soviet Union again. In an atmosphere of growing anti-Semitism in administration and public life, Frederik Grinberg discovered during a visit to the cemetery in 1983, that the grave of his parents in the Jewish cemetery of Czernowitz was desecrated by unknown persons. Even in the cemetery, he suffered his first stroke, followed after a few years a second. He recovered it and moved in 1994 from along with his wife, Mrs. Liubov Medzhybovskaja-Grinberg, Germany. In Mülheim an der Ruhr will engage the medical couple a home and both volunteer in the Jewish community Duisburg, Mülheim / Ruhr, Oberhausen . The Working Group Migration-history , a project of Mülheim Heinrich Thöne Community College published under the title "My life in the ghetto and in the occupied territory" an impressive article about the sorrowful fate of Holocaust survivors.
Unfortunately, now have set the late effects of strokes and suffered Frederik Grinberg, his 72nd of this month Celebrates birthday, has been about two years confined to a wheelchair.