After more than three years ruin site and post Inzell finally laid the foundation for a development of the site down. The image shows the current development plan "Central center. The development plan is now changed and that is the land corridor number 28 "The village Kramer" removed to allow for later development of the center area in the "parish church, Hotel Post, Village Kramer, community" in its own development plan (council decision No. 854 dated 09/20/2010). The change of the development plan is from 08.11.2010 to 08.12.2010 in the town hall to view.
this, we must know that the development plan "center center" of 6 November 1998, the central town center does not include. It includes not form the dominant building Hofmarkrichterhauses, the Post Office and the Town Hall. Instead, the existing buildings were from the village to the largest Kramer Walderbach included in the development plan, aimed at the preservation of old buildings. The development plan shall set construction line, may be waived by those exemptions. The current example is the demolition and reconstruction of the west wing corridor number 31 "shoe house Paul Gambs" without amending the development plan but with exemptions under the building permit process. There
An urban strategy for the development of the community Inzell the village does not exist and never existed. This meant that the center has lost its appeal. There is no communication between the property owner does not and has never existed. Everyone makes his boot, resulting in a grotesque competition for tenants for empty storefronts. A Mietnomade but it brought in less than two years, no fewer than three different stores and left behind a financial fiasco.
An attractive village must have attractive architecture and attract people by offering housing, office space, demand-oriented retail space and restaurants. This requires planning. The planning authority, the community, which it has not. As property owners you can indeed go over to the neighbor and give impetus. This will only work in individual cases. Inzell is no exception. Everyone is afraid of cooperation. Only a functioning community management can ensure that individual property owners are brought together and the building stock is improved. There is no church leadership with planning it since 1990 is not entitled to the departure of former Mayor Ludwig Schwabl, in Inzell.
The 19th May 2007 marked a low point of the village: The hotel burned down to the post
This event was the mood and not considered as serious.. Some even cheered from the blazing inferno of Kurtl's umbrella and hunted for pleasure in destructive. The mayor of the town Inzell, Martin Hobmaier, had announced in the press that he had already agreed with the owners' family Nützel fact that the Post would just again structured, how she had been. Many did not care the excavation. Others relied on castles in the air from large investors that would tear at the post office ruins. After three years of excavation and dead shorts in the once vibrant village, but now is likely the last ... be clear, that it would be an asset if a development of the property would bring back life to the place. And while a realistic way.
had now asked the family Nützel although its long-standing Gebäudebetreuuer, Andreas Mühlberger, an engineer in Reit im Winkl, in order to produce a plan for to be built "Nützel's Post Hotel. The plan, among other providing for a tower was also hailed by the local council without discussion by. The retreat of the family Nützel prevented from building projects, at least one investment ruin and sustainable blight the village. The whole process of hasty planning by a non-architect, allows for the presumption that the family wanted to get Nützel especially as new head of the fire insurance. You get the actual cost of a new building after a fire will be fully refunded if you time documenting the intention that they wanted to also build new. This is usually done by rapid entry of a plan and planning application.
My (= village Kramer) aspiration was to since Post-fire to build a partnership and that the surrounding property owners Nützel, community, and Dießbacher Gambs. A collaboration would help to save design costs and you would have more possibilities of selling land by enlarging the area. All advances not only failed: they were simply not answered. You have to understand that all the houses are outdated in this area, or were. The post office is a ruined building. Rochus on the house can be installed, architecturally, the former apartments are no longer employable. Even an isolated spa does not do that attractive. The village Kramer in turn is nested and energy as well sanierbar little like the west wing of City Hall or the Smith Schuster (formerly Alfonso Dießbacher RIP). Paul Gambs pulled the rip cord and broke his old shack it off well. Of course, without understanding or to even consider that a consultation with the neighbors might have a positive impact on the entire range.
The community in turn refused to consider a development plan for the center at all. It can be found in the construction document of "Nützel's Post Hotel" just a suggestion of Kreisbaumeisterin Mechthild Herrmann, one can still draw up a development plan. However, a permit ability to the rubber articles of the § 34, paragraph 3 provided Building Code in view. That is, the district administration had simply accepted everything. Only a memorandum deals with the aesthetics of the design of Mühlberger and its effect apart on the village. Who is from Stefan Graßler, an architect from Traunstein, whose father has prepared the Salinenweg historically. Without a minute of this critical file note and think about how they could develop a village center makes sense after a disaster, the building authority finally nodded off everything, probably in the hope that construction would not be realized. This hope of many in an administrative activity, namely a completion of itself, was then also yes.
beginning of 2009, I (= village Kramer) then announced that the town Inzell, the decision was made not to talk with the immediate neighbors. She asked Tom Krause with a community development vision, which provided a new direction Adlgasser center hotel with family, lowering the main road, residential neighborhood, fun pool and many more ... Krause was known for the film "Henner's Dream" . There documented provincial farce is transferable to Inzell. I reacted with a disciplinary complaint , which of course nothing carried out a dusty file of the district office.
Plans by Tom Krause and beans, of course, utopias can see what is crazy is less likely donors. In any case, it was clear that the town not a minute to do this used to deal with a development of the traditional village center, church, town hall, post office, village Kramer with the "Kiragass" as a meeting and communication place. Upon request, interested parties have been fobbed off with the usual Politikergewäsch of the "next big investors" for the post. The state of the rumors currently revolves around events in the burst notary Nützel GbR with potential buyers, a Russian oligarch, the "Inzell want to do something good" and a consortium of hotel owners in the area, which will set up the best spa hotel in Europe. Meanwhile, Martin Hobmaier has nevertheless admitted that he was not with the international Großínvestoren "negotiated", but for the property owners, the Nützel GbR, which is responsible Nützel Rochus.
You have to take note of rumors. No one knows what really happens. See Inzell Ice Rink, for which the state according to current document location incredible € 41,740,194.13 lying down taxpayers' money. This investment will never pay for itself and is approximately 12 four-star hotels. Nevertheless, rumors do not help and I had decided after years of deadlock in April 2010 to the community once again to offer their cooperation to make the joint development of the area Village Hall Kramer post. This was answered only with the question of how much I have wanted to do for my house. At a hearing at City Hall, I could then at least present my ideas verbally. The selection of a cooperation, I kept up until October. The community, represented by the First Mayor Martin Hobmaier, it is not answered.
The development plan is a post horn in the picture seen on the land corridor number 47 / 4 There was the Inzeller Post Office (German Federal Post) with garages for buses Post (postal cars = German force post) and the adventure playground for many village children. The building is vacant, the farewell of the family Märkl, who ran the post office and lived in it, New Year was celebrated in 1986 with a celebration worthy and melancholy. That was long ago and now we have even globalization. So went the Post property on the Corpus Sirio Asset Management GmbH , an offshoot of a real estate holding company. The ownership situation has become public through a request to the council of Corpus Sirio. She wanted to know if a Zoning change is possible, especially because of a revision of the planned area for the community facilities. This community facilities was present when the post was not yet organized private sector. Of course, lay the body of Sirio out to flog the property at a profit and this needed was a comprehensive undertaking by the council that the community facilities would no longer be offered. The council rejected this request on the grounds Corpus Sirio should come with concrete ideas for future use.
the time I called in Corpus Sirio and noted that they had a special responsibility for development. It would involve an important property, one should note that the use be consistent with the needs of the village. I also pointed out that the unsatisfactory state could use around the excavation of the former hotel to the post but good things to kick off a professional urban development with several owners. This call did not answer Corpus Sirio.
Instead, they apparently called Plereiter Josef sen. on the plan. Plereiter has built a recognized, much busy civil engineering firm and one of the Inzeller commodity-Mogul, in which much revolves around concrete and wood. As an expert with his own construction business, he basically has it in the cross, to stem a major urban project as a development of the site of the old Post Office and maybe the hotel to the post. And in fact, gave the town Inzell dated 01.10.2010 publicly known that the development plan "central town center" should be changed, in particular through new construction because of a Plereiter. A press report, he would buy the land of the Corpus Sirio and the local and local Bicycle Dealers "Mailis (Mail hammer)" place as tenant. On the agenda was not this decision.
Suddenly and unexpectedly I got a reason to act. I posted a request for removal of my property from the development plan. It would clearly contradict the principle of equality, if you changed because Plereiter the development plan, but because of another property owner does not. The obvious difference in treatment would have had good chances to be confirmed by court decision. There again was some time before I received a letter from the community, my request were given. And indeed, my request was not made officially at last, and each Inzeller and foreign interested parties now have the opportunity to make his ideas about the development of the village carried forward.
result: Now it is official that a building of the urban-village axis Hall-Kramer post any nonsensical vision of a spinner, as peddled by the usual couple of village idiots in the usual village gossip. Since Rochus Nützel and Martin Hobmaier to cooperate is not willing or are capable of and to see is that in the ten more years than the posting of the wooden wall at the post-excavation does nothing of the village containing Kramer works alone on to his ideas. Three years is the stubbornness, and lost communications and weakness of Hobmaier Nützel already.
The request by Sen. Joseph Plereiter. amending the development plan "central town center" in Inzell is the cornerstone for the reconstruction of the hotel to the post. Look like this is that people decide Inzeller together with their guests and friends.