Rosa Luxembourg and the ideal city (Zamość - 1617 km) Old Jewish Cemetery
(Zamość, 29.04.10 - 30.04.10) The city Zamość advertised with the title of "Ideal City" for tourism. Who holds only for the slogan of an overzealous tourism manager is mistaken, because there ideal cities it actually. They have been conceived by one economic, social and political criteria outset so, what was often associated with a social utopian and aesthetic program. Zamość, also called "Padua of the North" is one such city and shines in the morning Sunlight.
met in Lviv, we Ferdinand Lassalle , here it is Rosa Luxembourg , on 5 March 1871 than in Zamość Luksenburg Rozalia was born. Whether the birth was marked in an ideal city their future life? Probably not, but the city still has Zamość a plaque to the birthplace (Staszica 37) attached.
Rosa Luxembourg was born into a Jewish family and far from ideal, the fate of the Jews was in the region, only about 1% survived the Holocaust of World War II. This is shown also on the way to Zamosc Memorial located Majdanek. wanted "During the Second World War, Zamość first occupied by the Soviet army and then by the German army, the occupation forces, that:
The flyer for the city of Zamość we read. Zamość the center of Germanized Himmlerstadt and branches is called. During the war, the 11,000 people counted community of Jews from Zamość ceased to exist. The majority is with the Soviet Soldiers . Left the country to the east, and the rest (4 to 5 thousand) were murdered by the Nazis "
However, we at Wikipedia: " Almost the entire Jewish population was in the Nazi era in ghettos, concentration camps, or by shooting at Many also died from starvation or disease, because the conditions in the ghettos and in the General Government in general, were inhuman. By German settlers, the majority are Polish 'Germanized', with the city in its planning for the name Himmlerstadt, and later the city contributed plow (action Zamosc). "
It would be interesting to ascertain what Version of historical truth comes closest.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Beautiful Agony Promotio
(Wrocław - 919 km)
(Wrocław, 27.04.10 - 29.04.10) the south of the old town of Wroclaw , formerly Breslau, one finds the typical apartment building, an architectural trademark for the former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
the middle of the plate buildings is the Old Jewish Cemetery . Here we find the grave of Ferdinand Lassalle , with the creation of the first workers party in Germany a significant contribution the creation of the German social democracy provided.
The old Jewish cemetery that bears his name rightly, as one of the grave stones and tombs in the cemetery opened in 1856 can see.
The cemetery is very morbid, which is a cemetery not a dirty word, but sometimes you run the risk under a crumbling monument involuntarily his last to find peace.
What remains then, is the sometimes loving attempt to bring order to the memory of the dead.
Finally, leaving on quiet paths these romantic cemetery and decides to come back, hoping that does not decay too fast is going on.
(Wrocław, 27.04.10 - 29.04.10) the south of the old town of Wroclaw , formerly Breslau, one finds the typical apartment building, an architectural trademark for the former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
the middle of the plate buildings is the Old Jewish Cemetery . Here we find the grave of Ferdinand Lassalle , with the creation of the first workers party in Germany a significant contribution the creation of the German social democracy provided.
The old Jewish cemetery that bears his name rightly, as one of the grave stones and tombs in the cemetery opened in 1856 can see.
The cemetery is very morbid, which is a cemetery not a dirty word, but sometimes you run the risk under a crumbling monument involuntarily his last to find peace.
What remains then, is the sometimes loving attempt to bring order to the memory of the dead.
Finally, leaving on quiet paths these romantic cemetery and decides to come back, hoping that does not decay too fast is going on.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
About Healtlite Yogurt Company
Karl & Karl Lemke Lemke (Berlin - 576 km)
(Berlin, 22.04.10 - 27.04.10) other than first suspected, it was in Berlin in the 1930s, two Karl Lemke. Both were among the enlightened, left, progressive spectrum of society at that time and were probably stunned the gathering National Socialism, however, likely to meet hostility. Therefore, it was initially difficult to distinguish the two Karl Lemke. One of them, "our" was Karl Lemke a confidant of Heinrich Mann , lived in 1932 in Berlin and was the correspondent of appearing in Czernowitz newspaper "The Day" we still below the motto "The day in Czernowitz 78 years "as a daily edition on
publish. On 9 April 1932 appear nt of the editorial by Karl Lemke under the heading "Europe at risk?". The other Karl Lemke was the owner of a graphic arts agency and manager of a print shop, lived in the same period in Berlin, and commissioned the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the district of Alt-Hohenschönhausen to build a house. The in Bauhaus style built in 1932 Villa Lemke was the last of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe-designed home in Germany before 1938 he moved permanently to the United States.
The villa, which was after the Second World War a number of purposes, such as laundry and cafeteria for the employees of Stasi , now acts as an exhibition pavilion for Modern Art and is a magnet for lovers of architecture of Mies van der Rohe. In any case, it is an oasis of calm and an insider tip for visitors to Berlin.

(Berlin, 22.04.10 - 27.04.10) other than first suspected, it was in Berlin in the 1930s, two Karl Lemke. Both were among the enlightened, left, progressive spectrum of society at that time and were probably stunned the gathering National Socialism, however, likely to meet hostility. Therefore, it was initially difficult to distinguish the two Karl Lemke. One of them, "our" was Karl Lemke a confidant of Heinrich Mann , lived in 1932 in Berlin and was the correspondent of appearing in Czernowitz newspaper "The Day" we still below the motto "The day in Czernowitz 78 years "as a daily edition on
publish. On 9 April 1932 appear nt of the editorial by Karl Lemke under the heading "Europe at risk?". The other Karl Lemke was the owner of a graphic arts agency and manager of a print shop, lived in the same period in Berlin, and commissioned the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the district of Alt-Hohenschönhausen to build a house. The in Bauhaus style built in 1932 Villa Lemke was the last of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe-designed home in Germany before 1938 he moved permanently to the United States.
The villa, which was after the Second World War a number of purposes, such as laundry and cafeteria for the employees of Stasi , now acts as an exhibition pavilion for Modern Art and is a magnet for lovers of architecture of Mies van der Rohe. In any case, it is an oasis of calm and an insider tip for visitors to Berlin.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Straight Bathtub Pillow
New unrest in Bishkek
Dear Friends of Kyrgyzstan,
Kyrgyzstan welcomes your interest in me and therefore would I report on the situation in our country. Still, it brings some important things to report from the past.
In the media there are few reports on Kyrgyzstan. The few reports are yet to find, serve to fill gaps and do not really true.
Russian TV, came a report which stated, in a suburb of Bishkek, in the village and Maevka Dordoi market, it has returned to riots and looting.
Kyrgyz are the looters of the local minorities.
Former President Bakiev has said in a speech in Minsk, he was still president and the current transitional government consists only of bandits.
This proves just how sick and crazy this man is.
Yes it's true, it has played 5 killed and 26 injured. All 5 deaths, however, land raiders. As mentioned before the village Maevka a suburb of Bishkek and so many people want to own a property there.
They wanted to distribute the land among themselves. These fields are, however, the villagers.
So there was this huge fight between looters and villagers. The following police insert 70 looters were arrested, injured 26 people and killed 5 people.
Four houses were destroyed by fire.
many Kurds live in this village. A Kurd shot a Kyrgyz looters and several others injured.
was then placed in the four homes of Kurdish families fire.
The tragic unrest of the 16th April consisted solely of the disputes between Kurdish house and land owners and looters.
was called in the Russian media, however, Kyrgyz want to clean their country from different ethnic
population. This is true not absolute.
very next day the village was under police protection. The new government has placed strict controls.
To make yourself understood much of what happened I have to go back a little further.
the Soviet era had officially Bishkek 800 000 Residents, however, unofficially lived more than 1 000 000
in Bishkek.
Many came from villages in the city to work here. They lived with relatives and were not registered.
1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was even a few weeks chaos. In the early days of capitalism
almost the entire state property was privatized.
thousands of people have divided the government land on the outskirts of Bishkek, and now houses built on it.
The houses were built haphazardly, there was often not even roads. For the people it was just important to have a house in which they could live. Thus the people privatization and capitalism understood. Later, the government was
this problem powerless over these villages have been recognized in law.
The government built roads and schools. Many fields were destroyed by it. The owners received little compensation from the government and had to find another income opportunity.
came in 2005 after the first revolution to the next Grundstücksplünderungen. Kyrgyz President Akaev
The first had fled to Moscow. There was chaos in the country.
The new candidate for president Bakiev had at that time many people from the south to Bishkek
got them jobs, housing or land for house building promised.
He wanted to win this way voters in his home region. Many people believed him and moved to Bishkek.
almost all important government positions and directorships in large companies were occupied during his five years in government with people from the south. This of course angered the people of the north.
A shocking example I've experienced, I would like to share with you.
I was at the airport and waited for my guests from Germany. Since I could listen to a conversation between two men.
One of these men had southern accents and a pretty dirty Doctor's coat on.
He told the other man was very proud that a relative of him now in Bishkek an influential man in government.
He was a simple vet in a village in the south and the relative, has now taught him the job as an airport doctor.
Imagine, they had a health problem during their flight and on arrival would treat you as a doctor. Unbelievable!
I was totally shocked and have my customers as quickly as possible away from the airport to be related.
Many people from the South have found work in the markets, some to buy something at wholesale and then sell it piece by piece to inflated prices in order to earn some money. Other
push the little car all day with goods to survive in the big city.
This is Bakiev became president!
has of course given the large amount of people the promised apartments do not, so they went to the suburbs have spread in the fields and have built their huts on it.
The President could not help it, he had promised them jobs, housing and land.
He accepted all these chaotic built new villages of the law.
After this revolution, without short-term legal government of some of these People think that they could again raid the lot and build a house on it. They thought it would later be re-recognized in law and you could beat profit from it.
It is not right, but you must have shot the man of the looters also understand anyway. The situation can not continue. These looters are real bandits and robbers. Therefore, the government has now arrested 70 of marauders and imprisoned
Unfortunately, this is interpreted by the media always fail. It is only a flat rate of reported unrest in Kyrgyzstan and it just shows images of blood and fire. In Bishkek, but there
rest and all people are now hoping for a peaceful life without the corrupt government, and no dictator Bakiev.
There were only two companies that were independent of Bakiev. The Canadian mining operation in Kara Balta
and the Kyrgyz-German glass factory in Tokmok.
All other companies and factories were 100% or partially owned by the entire family Bakiev.
was particularly painful for the people of the possession Bakievs on the electrical energy and Kirgistelekom. The tariffs for electricity and telephone were immediately increased by 100% and the rates for water and heating were increased five times.
All this led to the overthrow of the dictator Bakiev. We do, however, no mess, no disturbance; we want a happy new, sovereign and democratic Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
Love With kind regards from Bishkek
your Talant Asemov
Dear Friends of Kyrgyzstan,
Kyrgyzstan welcomes your interest in me and therefore would I report on the situation in our country. Still, it brings some important things to report from the past.
In the media there are few reports on Kyrgyzstan. The few reports are yet to find, serve to fill gaps and do not really true.
Russian TV, came a report which stated, in a suburb of Bishkek, in the village and Maevka Dordoi market, it has returned to riots and looting.
Kyrgyz are the looters of the local minorities.
Former President Bakiev has said in a speech in Minsk, he was still president and the current transitional government consists only of bandits.
This proves just how sick and crazy this man is.
Yes it's true, it has played 5 killed and 26 injured. All 5 deaths, however, land raiders. As mentioned before the village Maevka a suburb of Bishkek and so many people want to own a property there.
They wanted to distribute the land among themselves. These fields are, however, the villagers.
So there was this huge fight between looters and villagers. The following police insert 70 looters were arrested, injured 26 people and killed 5 people.
Four houses were destroyed by fire.
many Kurds live in this village. A Kurd shot a Kyrgyz looters and several others injured.
was then placed in the four homes of Kurdish families fire.
The tragic unrest of the 16th April consisted solely of the disputes between Kurdish house and land owners and looters.
was called in the Russian media, however, Kyrgyz want to clean their country from different ethnic
population. This is true not absolute.
very next day the village was under police protection. The new government has placed strict controls.
To make yourself understood much of what happened I have to go back a little further.
the Soviet era had officially Bishkek 800 000 Residents, however, unofficially lived more than 1 000 000
in Bishkek.
Many came from villages in the city to work here. They lived with relatives and were not registered.
1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was even a few weeks chaos. In the early days of capitalism
almost the entire state property was privatized.
thousands of people have divided the government land on the outskirts of Bishkek, and now houses built on it.
The houses were built haphazardly, there was often not even roads. For the people it was just important to have a house in which they could live. Thus the people privatization and capitalism understood. Later, the government was
this problem powerless over these villages have been recognized in law.
The government built roads and schools. Many fields were destroyed by it. The owners received little compensation from the government and had to find another income opportunity.
came in 2005 after the first revolution to the next Grundstücksplünderungen. Kyrgyz President Akaev
The first had fled to Moscow. There was chaos in the country.
The new candidate for president Bakiev had at that time many people from the south to Bishkek
got them jobs, housing or land for house building promised.
He wanted to win this way voters in his home region. Many people believed him and moved to Bishkek.
almost all important government positions and directorships in large companies were occupied during his five years in government with people from the south. This of course angered the people of the north.
A shocking example I've experienced, I would like to share with you.
I was at the airport and waited for my guests from Germany. Since I could listen to a conversation between two men.
One of these men had southern accents and a pretty dirty Doctor's coat on.
He told the other man was very proud that a relative of him now in Bishkek an influential man in government.
He was a simple vet in a village in the south and the relative, has now taught him the job as an airport doctor.
Imagine, they had a health problem during their flight and on arrival would treat you as a doctor. Unbelievable!
I was totally shocked and have my customers as quickly as possible away from the airport to be related.
Many people from the South have found work in the markets, some to buy something at wholesale and then sell it piece by piece to inflated prices in order to earn some money. Other
push the little car all day with goods to survive in the big city.
This is Bakiev became president!
has of course given the large amount of people the promised apartments do not, so they went to the suburbs have spread in the fields and have built their huts on it.
The President could not help it, he had promised them jobs, housing and land.
He accepted all these chaotic built new villages of the law.
After this revolution, without short-term legal government of some of these People think that they could again raid the lot and build a house on it. They thought it would later be re-recognized in law and you could beat profit from it.
It is not right, but you must have shot the man of the looters also understand anyway. The situation can not continue. These looters are real bandits and robbers. Therefore, the government has now arrested 70 of marauders and imprisoned
Unfortunately, this is interpreted by the media always fail. It is only a flat rate of reported unrest in Kyrgyzstan and it just shows images of blood and fire. In Bishkek, but there
rest and all people are now hoping for a peaceful life without the corrupt government, and no dictator Bakiev.
There were only two companies that were independent of Bakiev. The Canadian mining operation in Kara Balta
and the Kyrgyz-German glass factory in Tokmok.
All other companies and factories were 100% or partially owned by the entire family Bakiev.
was particularly painful for the people of the possession Bakievs on the electrical energy and Kirgistelekom. The tariffs for electricity and telephone were immediately increased by 100% and the rates for water and heating were increased five times.
All this led to the overthrow of the dictator Bakiev. We do, however, no mess, no disturbance; we want a happy new, sovereign and democratic Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
Love With kind regards from Bishkek
your Talant Asemov
Friday, April 16, 2010
How To Program Hyundai Elantra 2003remote
Hello friends,
At last this terrible president, who has plundered our people, disappeared from the country.
He has sent in his resignation by fax from Kazakhstan.
The Kyrgyz people are not very happy with this solution. They wanted him to bring in Kyrgyzstan in prison. He should be punished for his actions.
I think it's good that he has left the country, it is better for peace in our country. I
but I also hope if our Republic is strengthened, it then creates Bakiyev in Kyrgyzstan to bring to prison.
The American President Barak Obama, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Kazakh President Nazarbaev have together managed to move Bakiev to resign and take him to Kazakhstan.
Bakiev yesterday was held in Osh a speech, thousands of people have it, however, expelled from Osh. And again he managed to escape only through the use of Kalashnikovs.
Also in the south of Kyrgyzstan, in the Osh region, people are now against him.
versa So now finally rest and peace in Kyrgyzstan and our country may be different from the atrocities in recent years to recover.
With regards from our beautiful Kyrgyzstan
Talant Asemov.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What To Do If You Swallow A Fishbone
Dear friends,
The information from the European mass media is very poor. It is not easy, sitting by a European office, behind a desk, evaluate the situation in Kyrgyzstan right.
The so-called Russian experts from Moscow tell of the danger of civil war in Kyrgyzstan. A civil war between the northern and southern regions of our country.
It is reported that tanks from the north to South travel.
Kyrgyzstan has only a few tanks and they are so old that it would arrive after the transport on a 700km stretch from Bishkek to Osh only scrap.
The weapons of the two sides are made of sticks, stones and sticks.
If it really came to a war that would be the one from a brawl.
This terrible ex-president is to blame ca.100-200 Kalashnikovs that are gone.
You can hear maybe a few days of shooting and of course there may be victims again.
If the cartridges are fired will quickly restore composure, because there is then no more ammunition.
The President is now in his home village Tejit. 50% of the 3,000 villagers in the name of Bakiev.
He sits in his cave like a wolf who has eaten before the hungry children of his neighbors. Now he's trying to defend themselves with shouting and shows the teeth.
He has gathered yesterday in Jallal Abad 5000 of his followers. He has promised to use his village neighbors as a shield. He threatened that there will be victims when attacking the new government.
He is in a similar state of agony, near his death, he says many things but nothing is right.
Last night he announced that he is prepared to resign and wants to talk with the new government
. If he tomorrow, says that he has a bomb, do not be surprised you.
He asked today to guarantee his entire family. Unfortunately, his two sons are already abroad.
I will try to continue on the exact situation in our country to report
With greetings from Kyrgyzstan
Talant Asemov.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Are Dog Skin Tags Black In Color
The fate of the Cholponbek Musaev is the fate of our whole people
Kyrgyzstan has the greatest epic in the world - Manas. The Kyrgyz nomadic people, composed of many different races draws thousands of years to the summer grazing winter pasture.
has always led to disputes between the tribes of the South and the North. It was about the ownership of grazing land. On the basis of these Discrepancies, the country was still easy prey to the conquerors.
The hero Manas who united the people of the Kyrgyz people over and over, free of enemies and defended.
The epic describes the history and traditions of the Kyrgyz.
thousands of years before capitalism, socialism and democracy, the Kyrgyz lived under the Constitution of the Manas epic.
The most important of the seven bids was: love and defend your homeland.
On 7 April, we now have the victims of the tragic riots of 7 April buried. Even my brother-
Musaev Cholponbek we accompanied on his last journey.
He should stay with his feat of the future generation in mind always.
It is he wrote a book and filmed a movie. He will always remain in the hearts of men.
On 24 March 2005, the Tulip Revolution, Musaev Cholponbek was one of the first stormed into the government building.
time was toppled President Askar Akaev to our first three legislatures.
The son of the President Akaev was also Deputy Minister of Finance and had access to the Treasury. This has been abused by him and misappropriated state assets.
With great hopes we have elected the second President Kurmanbek Bakiev. He has all of its promises fulfilled only one. He has promised to defend his power with Kalashnikovs. He has now done so. He shot to his people.
In the five years of his reign, he and his son, to much more, as the first president stolen in fifteen years' reign, the state.
Am7.April sought my brother Musaev, car mechanic in the town square, work in other
garages. Around noon, he came with his car with a wave of protesters to the Ala Too square in front of Government House.
hundreds of thousands of peacefully demonstrating people there have demanded the resignation of President Bakiev.
All persons not related to the opinion of the president on corresponded, at that time were already in prison, disappeared or have been dead
Many people kept silent out of fear.
On 7 April were people taking photos with their cell phones, made the first victims of the sniper. At 12
clock was made from a cell phone video recording, published on the web.
Janisch Bakiev, safety officer and brother of the President was immediately order any person to make the photos to be shot.
He thought that the people after the first victims would flee immediately. However, this was a mistake.
People were shocked and appalled at the events, but no one ran away. As
Musaev Cholponbek looked like a young man with the Kyrgyz flag fell to the ground He screamed that this donkey of president had not fulfilled the hopes of the people.
He screamed, we are the generation of great mana. Then he took
the blood-soaked banner of the murdered young man and put them on his car.
He called the people to follow him, three men jumped into his car, all four drove at high speed and the call for Manas and freedom against the gate of the government building.
minutes later, all four men dead, shot by the snipers of the President.
I've been thinking a lot about why my brother did that. But I've found an answer. He had such great hope for the President set. But his hopes were deeply disappointed. He had to watch as more and more impoverished his people. He himself
led a very miserable life. He was a very good car mechanic, but had only very rarely work. In his house he was repairing cars occasionally by people from the village. But the money he earned was not enough so that simple.
He has two children, a 17 year old daughter and a 15 year old son. The daughter is studying
the son goes to school.
His wife has been suffering for 8 years from a brain tumor and is getting weaker and needs medication.
He has also searched for another way to make money.
Before the elections last Year, the President promised the people to sell a kilo of wheat seeds for 10 summer and leaving farmers to make a good life.
Cholponbek has decided to lease farmland and peasants to be. He has taken out a loan
with 23% interest and wheat sown. In the autumn he was pleased with the good harvest. The joy was short-lived. The government has paid for a kilo of wheat only 3.5 Som. He has not sold the wheat, and is still waiting for a better price.
The grain is still in his camp, and now the chickens fed the family with it.
In his village, he was nicknamed "our president with the flag." He was always in front, He has organized all the celebrations of the holidays. He was a very dedicated and courageous man
He always said he belonged to the generation of mana and die if he is, then the Kyrgyz flag in his hand.
this prophecy has now become sad truth.
Villagers say his nickname came true-he is our president with the flag.
Maybe now they wonder why we have not already helped him earlier. Believe me, no one knew of his problems. He was always very optimistic and has never talked about his money problems. No one knew about the illness of his wife. After his death, we have learned of the doctor. Her illness is Endstadion and they may have have to live half a year.
With the example of my brother, I was on the living conditions of recent years, attention of many Kyrgyz.
These states have been forced hundreds of thousands of people in almost all cities to demonstrate.
thousands of protesters were forced out of necessity against the balls of the Kalashnikovs to run.
latest news on episode 83 we are mourning the deaths. Die every day but still seriously injured in the hospitals.
Best regards from Bishkek,
Talant Asemov.
Kyrgyzstan has the greatest epic in the world - Manas. The Kyrgyz nomadic people, composed of many different races draws thousands of years to the summer grazing winter pasture.
has always led to disputes between the tribes of the South and the North. It was about the ownership of grazing land. On the basis of these Discrepancies, the country was still easy prey to the conquerors.
The hero Manas who united the people of the Kyrgyz people over and over, free of enemies and defended.
The epic describes the history and traditions of the Kyrgyz.
thousands of years before capitalism, socialism and democracy, the Kyrgyz lived under the Constitution of the Manas epic.
The most important of the seven bids was: love and defend your homeland.
On 7 April, we now have the victims of the tragic riots of 7 April buried. Even my brother-
Musaev Cholponbek we accompanied on his last journey.
He should stay with his feat of the future generation in mind always.
It is he wrote a book and filmed a movie. He will always remain in the hearts of men.
On 24 March 2005, the Tulip Revolution, Musaev Cholponbek was one of the first stormed into the government building.
time was toppled President Askar Akaev to our first three legislatures.
The son of the President Akaev was also Deputy Minister of Finance and had access to the Treasury. This has been abused by him and misappropriated state assets.
With great hopes we have elected the second President Kurmanbek Bakiev. He has all of its promises fulfilled only one. He has promised to defend his power with Kalashnikovs. He has now done so. He shot to his people.
In the five years of his reign, he and his son, to much more, as the first president stolen in fifteen years' reign, the state.
Am7.April sought my brother Musaev, car mechanic in the town square, work in other
garages. Around noon, he came with his car with a wave of protesters to the Ala Too square in front of Government House.
hundreds of thousands of peacefully demonstrating people there have demanded the resignation of President Bakiev.
All persons not related to the opinion of the president on corresponded, at that time were already in prison, disappeared or have been dead
Many people kept silent out of fear.
On 7 April were people taking photos with their cell phones, made the first victims of the sniper. At 12
clock was made from a cell phone video recording, published on the web.
Janisch Bakiev, safety officer and brother of the President was immediately order any person to make the photos to be shot.
He thought that the people after the first victims would flee immediately. However, this was a mistake.
People were shocked and appalled at the events, but no one ran away. As
Musaev Cholponbek looked like a young man with the Kyrgyz flag fell to the ground He screamed that this donkey of president had not fulfilled the hopes of the people.
He screamed, we are the generation of great mana. Then he took
the blood-soaked banner of the murdered young man and put them on his car.
He called the people to follow him, three men jumped into his car, all four drove at high speed and the call for Manas and freedom against the gate of the government building.
minutes later, all four men dead, shot by the snipers of the President.
I've been thinking a lot about why my brother did that. But I've found an answer. He had such great hope for the President set. But his hopes were deeply disappointed. He had to watch as more and more impoverished his people. He himself
led a very miserable life. He was a very good car mechanic, but had only very rarely work. In his house he was repairing cars occasionally by people from the village. But the money he earned was not enough so that simple.
He has two children, a 17 year old daughter and a 15 year old son. The daughter is studying
the son goes to school.
His wife has been suffering for 8 years from a brain tumor and is getting weaker and needs medication.
He has also searched for another way to make money.
Before the elections last Year, the President promised the people to sell a kilo of wheat seeds for 10 summer and leaving farmers to make a good life.
Cholponbek has decided to lease farmland and peasants to be. He has taken out a loan
with 23% interest and wheat sown. In the autumn he was pleased with the good harvest. The joy was short-lived. The government has paid for a kilo of wheat only 3.5 Som. He has not sold the wheat, and is still waiting for a better price.
The grain is still in his camp, and now the chickens fed the family with it.
In his village, he was nicknamed "our president with the flag." He was always in front, He has organized all the celebrations of the holidays. He was a very dedicated and courageous man
He always said he belonged to the generation of mana and die if he is, then the Kyrgyz flag in his hand.
this prophecy has now become sad truth.
Villagers say his nickname came true-he is our president with the flag.
Maybe now they wonder why we have not already helped him earlier. Believe me, no one knew of his problems. He was always very optimistic and has never talked about his money problems. No one knew about the illness of his wife. After his death, we have learned of the doctor. Her illness is Endstadion and they may have have to live half a year.
With the example of my brother, I was on the living conditions of recent years, attention of many Kyrgyz.
These states have been forced hundreds of thousands of people in almost all cities to demonstrate.
thousands of protesters were forced out of necessity against the balls of the Kalashnikovs to run.
latest news on episode 83 we are mourning the deaths. Die every day but still seriously injured in the hospitals.
Best regards from Bishkek,
Talant Asemov.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Rubberband On Wrist Mean
The Last Jews of The Rădăuţi
The shots for the exhibition "The Last Jews of Rădăuţi" which of Laurence Salzmann in the fall of 1978 Beit Hatfutsot , the Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora in Tel Aviv, were shown, are already developed end of 1974. Back in Rădăuţi were still about 200 Jews who could escape the Romanian Holocaust and not - as so many - have emigrated in the postwar years. Today there are barely two dozen, and the time is not far away, where the once-thriving Jewish community will be gone by Rădăuţi. The melancholic and stunning photographs by Laurence Salzmann will remain.
The (very) Last Jews of Rădăuţi
Monday, April 12, 2010
Older Motherboards Computers Sale
Dear friends,
with my next mail I will send you my photos of our city and government buildings. I am proud of my people and made me grateful for the help the the people have. Hundreds of ordinary people are 3 hours in long queues at the blood center to donate blood. Thousands of people must be protected from the government building to the transitional government. All want to help somehow. Today I watched a 80 year old woman on the street. A Russian woman, she has lived her entire life in Bishkek and came with tears in his eyes to the government building. The city is chaos everywhere is garbage and waste left by the looters. The old woman can barely walk and not like others cry out. Heading home, she has silently paper and plastic bottles collected and thrown into the dustbin. For me it was very beeidrükend.
Many people are still on the road. Many celebrate the victory over the old presidency. Unfortunately, some have also drunk in celebration of the victory too much vodka. Most of them are but with good intention and good thoughts on the road.
But unfortunately not all good intentions. This afternoon gathered the looters loot back to the homes of government officials. They believe that this possession of the rich people to the people was stolen. But still it's terrible and shame in front of a large world. Famous athletes and just people with good hearts founded the People's Police in the afternoon. Tonight it is still exciting for us all. If we can not now stop the looting, then tomorrow will be the looters penetrate into every home. Television asked to assist the people of the People's Police.
yesterday and today night and day were looted, many government agencies and unfortunately it was set fire. Many business people crying today, many large and small businesses are destroyed. All complain about the old Prдsidenten and also on the opposition and the demonstrators. They say you should have waited another five years, then the President might have resigned voluntarily after a two-time legislature. No, I say, in these 5 years he has brought my people into this terrible situation that hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to demonstrate. I have read many reports from around the world of such demonstrations, most people fled immediately after the use of tear gas and firearms. But yesterday it was very different. No one has receded. It took about 14 hours, 14 hours, the people one was taken after other things by the balls, but no one ran away. This demonstrates the courage of my people. Or you can also say, however much the President of the people to death poached.
75 dead and 1000 injured are in hospitals. The new government has promised each family death toll about 4200 €. Each family has already received 100 thousand Som (1600 €). Everyone will get injured
10000-50000 Som.
Now we write an article ABOUT my brother - he was the first death and a true hero of the Revolution, he was a true patriot and son of the Kyrgyz people. More specifically I will report on it tomorrow after the funeral.
Kind regards from Bishkek,
your Talant Asemov.
Wedding Coolie Cup Sayings
Dear friends,
the government and the premium Ministers fled Bishkek. On the night against 2 clock, all police and army, intelligence agencies have allied with the people. But it was too late and all the big department stores in the center of the city were looted again unfortunately 5 years ago. In Bishkek, there is currently chaos. We are now trying to stop this chaos with looting. The new government is working with the opposition in the lead.
The old President Bakiev has fled and is located in the southern Osh in his residence. He tried to flee to Germany. His brother was ambassador to Germany and the whole family has a base there, long ago prepared.
At night, the Government House overthrown. There are currently 489 people injured and 68 deaths. In the blood center, we have gespändet for the victims blood.
Unfortunately, we must now go to the morgue to my brother, cousin to identify from my wife from the village of Tash Syn. He was a 47-year-old farmer and auto mechanic to drive his own car through the gate of Government House and was shot by the sniper on the roof of Government House. His red car can be seen in the television news behind the goal.
We are an ancient peaceful nomadic people. And Freicheit is the most important thing for nomads. 70 years we have lived under the Sovietmacht and there are another 50 years under the old Russian tsarist regime. In the Russian Tsarist regime in the 19 Century, there was still a rule - a rule-Khan. It was the worst time in the history of Kyrgyz people. Khan, the dictator had suppressed the nomadic people always bloody and if his rule always to his son. The Neche son was still brutal. Therefore, as here in 1860 were the first Russians, the Kyrgyz have understood them as new friends and as a path to freedom. Therefore, we have lived 150 years together with Russia. After the Soviet Period, we have managed our real freedom and independence. This President Bakiev has us back to the 19th Century brought back. He sold the water from the Toktogulstausee and all water power plants and expensive electricity to neighboring countries sold. At night we sit, the own people in the dark as in the 19th Century, because for us the current has become too little. From February, all energy authorities were sold to the Presidential Click. The buyer also means Bakiev - Maksim Bakiev. He is the son of the president. Normally it would BOOKLET $ 100,000,000 sold, he bought for 3.8 million. Now the current 2 times as expensive, 100 percent more than the old price and the President's son, he deserves the money from the tears of the people.
The small mobile phone company Megakom was sold to the Russian Megafon company for 18 million. The son of the President has bought the huge Kyrgystelekom for only 1.8 million. And given that all information, Internet and mass media sources in his hands.
a brother sits as ambassador to China and another in Germany - sources of investment for Kyrgyzstan.
also Russia and America to give money to compete, because both want to stay here alone to rule in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan is the only country in the world where a Russian and an American military base just 30 km apart. Bakiev has promised both to send each of the others from the country and has borrowed from both a lot of money.
With this money he has three months ago, an investment and innovation gegrьndet Reserve Fund Agency. That's the name that stupid new authority when I literally translating. All financial authorities, customs, and tax and social - and pension funds are among the agency. The chairman of this agency is the second person in the country after the president. Dear friends please try to guess the name of the Chairman. Right - back Maksim Bakiev. So the total money budget of Kyrgyzstan is in a pocket. This gives the president his successor - namely his son prepared as the next president. We thought that we live in an independent democratic republic. But the last five years we lived under the reign of Khan Bakiev, as in the 19th Century.
The patience of the people is over and cook. Only a Brother of Bakiev - Geheimdienstcheff Janisch Bakiev was yesterday at the Government House and he can shoot at their own people because of him are so many victims. For the foreigners and tourists is no danger. Unrest in all areas, but it is a struggle between the common people and former government people. The Foreign Office of the rat after traveling from Kyrgyzstan. I understand it. I think we have to wait a couple of weeks and have patience, then I'm sure I'll be able to lead my guests again by my wonderful Kyrgyzstan.
Thank you for your supporting words
Best regards from Bishkek,
your Talant Asemov.
Is It Too Late To Email After My Interview
Dear friends,
2005 on 24 March we had a people's revolution and we had the hope that the new government and the new president will make a better life without corruption. But the new president has created more corruption and has all his promises broken.
The people have tried everything. Again in November 2006 were 100 thousand demonstrations with protesters. The President has again promised to correct everything. 2007, 2008, 2009, the people have demonstrated peacefully. This time the government has just negotiated with opposition not because they think the government is strong enough. Today, the protesters were
of Government House by snipers shot at. about 50 dead and hundreds injured. There is no case, no civil war. This stupid President that seeks to demonstrate his power to the people.
Now in this moment, many government agencies in all jurisdictions in the hands of the people. Even the television and radio building in Bishkek was stormed, and finally shows the first television channel, the real truth. To date, 17 clock almost nothing has been shown correctly and informed. We are now available again and I would like to participate in this movement.
I try to report on the situation further.
Thank God and in Europe reported the mass media and display news from Bishkek. But if you help us any way you want to share the news from Bishkek to learn the truth, we would be very grateful for it. I believe not all transmitters are given correct information. Here is a message from me, from a real Kyrgyz. The future of my people and my country is very important to me.
With my next mail I will detail more about the reason of this unrest report ..
Thanks in advance for your understanding.
With best regards from Bishkek,
your Talant Asemov.
Dear friends,
2005 on 24 March we had a people's revolution and we had the hope that the new government and the new president will make a better life without corruption. But the new president has created more corruption and has all his promises broken.
The people have tried everything. Again in November 2006 were 100 thousand demonstrations with protesters. The President has again promised to correct everything. 2007, 2008, 2009, the people have demonstrated peacefully. This time the government has just negotiated with opposition not because they think the government is strong enough. Today, the protesters were
of Government House by snipers shot at. about 50 dead and hundreds injured. There is no case, no civil war. This stupid President that seeks to demonstrate his power to the people.
Now in this moment, many government agencies in all jurisdictions in the hands of the people. Even the television and radio building in Bishkek was stormed, and finally shows the first television channel, the real truth. To date, 17 clock almost nothing has been shown correctly and informed. We are now available again and I would like to participate in this movement.
I try to report on the situation further.
Thank God and in Europe reported the mass media and display news from Bishkek. But if you help us any way you want to share the news from Bishkek to learn the truth, we would be very grateful for it. I believe not all transmitters are given correct information. Here is a message from me, from a real Kyrgyz. The future of my people and my country is very important to me.
With my next mail I will detail more about the reason of this unrest report ..
Thanks in advance for your understanding.
With best regards from Bishkek,
your Talant Asemov.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Santa Claus 2shania Twain
Capuchin Crypt
My rating
The war spoil Joseph Roth

The war spoil Joseph Roth
are often "The Capuchin Crypt" and "Radetzky March" , both of Joseph Roth , mentioned in the same breath, the present, in 1938 published novel mostly in the shadow of "Radetzky March" from 1932 stands. Completely wrong, so strictly speaking "The Capuchin Crypt" the pointed and logical consequence, which results from "Radetzky March". Both novels have a common intersection of the demise of Austria-Hungary by the First World War . But "The Capuchin Tomb" is a political novel without losing its literary quality. He is also a special kind of anti-war novel, he does not need to imagine the brutal reality of war, it is enough, the consequences of the First World War for the insecure and disoriented people in the former Danube monarchy to describe, to condemn the First World War and to warn against further. As we know, all reminders of Joseph Roth, the brilliant war spoil ultimately not helpful and the Second World War began three months after his death on 5/27/1939. The extraordinary literary value of the complete works of Joseph Roth, however, does not diminish.
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