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The rural population, the Securitate and the censorship
lowlands is the first work of Herta Müller , which has received numerous awards, and - according to Wikipedia - in 2009, "the Nobel Prize for Literature for her eloquent body of work on the Romanian dictatorship " received. The manuscript for the book fell asleep first four years in the drawers of the publisher and first appeared in 1982 in a censored version in Romania. What prompted but the Securitate thugs to suppress this book? The stark portrayal was of the archaic customs of the Banat Swabians in their villages in Romania, it can hardly be, for Herta Müller was already sufficiently from their "fellow countrymen" as Nestbeschmutzerin insulted. Compared to any German village, for example, in Bavaria, it makes no difference whether the law enforcement is a village policeman, wearing a green uniform, or "is mentioned in the village of Blue" as a militiaman. It is not the bourgeois values that made to create the Communist authorities in Romania, it is rather the criticism of the book to the subcutaneous Suppression system, to imprisonment, arbitrary expropriation, corruption and nepotism in the feudal-ruled Romania under dictator Nicolae Ceausescu . This book is impressive and also a - albeit later - defeating the ideological narrowness of the officials of censors in their offices. starts