Land Title Documents in Thailand and Their Legal Status
estate documents in Thailand and their legal status
Abstract - The land title documents officially issued in Thailand are listed by rank and briefly described. The legal status of these titles is commented from a foreigner's point of view who wishes to invest in land property for residence or business.
Summary - The official made out in Thailand real estate documents are listed according to their importance and briefly described. The legal status of this document has some comments from the perspective A foreigner who wants to invest in land for residential or commercial use.
โฉนด ที่ดิน - น. ส. 4 จ.
estate documents in Thailand and their legal status
Abstract - The land title documents officially issued in Thailand are listed by rank and briefly described. The legal status of these titles is commented from a foreigner's point of view who wishes to invest in land property for residence or business.
Summary - The official made out in Thailand real estate documents are listed according to their importance and briefly described. The legal status of this document has some comments from the perspective A foreigner who wants to invest in land for residential or commercial use.
โฉนด ที่ดิน - น. ส. 4 จ.
Chanot Thi Din - NE SE Si Cho
Chanod-tee-din - Nor Sor Jor Lake (NS 4 years) / chanod-tieh-din - No. Then see Dscho (NS 4 years) [1]
The Thai word โฉนด (chanod) means title or title deed , and the compound word โฉนดที่ดิน (chanod-tee-din) means land title , land title deed , warranty deed , land patent . The word 'chanod-tee-din' is often shortened to 'chanod'. The official classification for this land title is N. S. 4 J .
The chanod document ranks highest of all land title documents. It gives proof of freehold (not only possession) of a certain plot of land. Every person who is registered on this document has a legal title on the land (ownership, but also other titles, e.g. mortgage, can apply).
The chanod document is issued in Thai language. Over the years, the document has modified its appearance. Nowadays, this document usually is issued on a single sheet of paper (36 cm tall and 24 cm wide), with content on both sides. The symbol of the Thai Nation, centrically on top of the front-side, is imprinted in red color. All these documents show the word chanod in the headline, and, in addition in newer documents, the official classification, N. S. 4 J., appears on the top, right hand side. The front-side includes name and address of the landlord, the land size (in rai, ngan and tarang-wah), a map of the land (north-oriented) with all boundary-markers and its numbers, plot-numbers, and the scale of the map. The original scale of the map is often 1 : 1,000; however, the map in the document might be displayed in another given scale. The reverse side of the document includes chronologically all legal changes, eg the name of the new landlord when the land was sold, a person or bank granting a mortgage, a lease-holder (if the owner leased out his land for 30 years), or usufructuray (for life).
The Thai word โฉนด (chanod) translates title , legal title , ownership title , deed ownership, the composite-set word โฉนด ที่ดิน (Chanod-tieh-din) says basic holding certificate . The word chanod-tieh-din is often shortened to chanod . The official classification of this title is NS 4 J .
chanod The document is the most significant ground-holding instrument, that is evidence of the right to ownership of real estate (not only right to property). Any person whose name is entered on the certificate is entitled to rights on real estate (self-Tums-right, but also other rights such as Hypo-library). The certificate serves as proof agents.
chanod The document is written only in Thai foreign source. Over the years, there has to be off to see something changed. In general, this document is now made from a single sheet (36 cm high and 24 cm wide), with details on the front and rear side. The symbol of the Thai companies domiciled-between state is printed on the front page above the middle in red. All these docu-ments corresponding keep the word chanod in the title line, and the recent docu-ments it appears also the official opening designation NS 4 J. top right. The front page contains the name and address of the piece of land owners, the piece of land area (in rai, ngan and wah-Tarang), also a north-ge of teach-th mass-rod-predicament- plan of the basic tee with all border points, Num-chambers of the border points and basic tee-numbered chambers. The original mass of the rod-mapping-tion is often 1: 1,000; in the docu-ment but the situation in other plan-called Mass-bar are put back-ge. The back pages contain all the stops right-of contract-Modify-ments chrono-logically-ge lists, eg the new equity owners accordance with a contract to buy a Hypo-libraries donors (Bank), a basic ; buchlich register-ten tenants (usually for 30 years).
buying, selling and the associated transmission of the piece of land rights is legal in shear-round view without any problems. Nevertheless, before a Purchase on specific type of loading special units shall be respected. Five not so rare special units are working to follow-de-scribed.
first There are basic pieces with chanod title, during a multi-year time section does not carry over to another person may be and therefore can not be over-wear. Only after this period (from game-to-be 15 years) is a trans-mission possible. This could be reason-his clothes that a person as a compen-sation for the work on a dam-dam project, or for loss of land costs due to the congestion-dam-project-going by the state - were suitable. Such a piece of land is equipped with a certificate chanod-equipped, located on the front page of other chanod Records is leaving nothing below. On the reverse side, however, a block-carry endorsements GE, the company is to develop, at what date a trans-mission of the title is possible.
second If the piece of land with a mortgage library or otherwise, COPYING OR OTHERWISE (eg Niess consumption) charge, this is on the back of the docu-ments Dschanoht noted, as is the name of the current basic tee - self-owner. This information should be in front of a purchase agreement without necessarily-checking and also ask at the land-estate office. In the case of working with a hypo-load library, a bank should maintain the original of the basic tee-docu-ments to their safety them safe. It is therefore the Bank before making a purchase - contract contacted have pets.
third In general it can be assumed that land-titles with chanod clear understand-me-sen have been and with boundary-stones VER market boundaries points to-point. Today's cadastral survey, land-with-titles are chanod with centimeter-accuracy through GPS-based surveying solution. However, there are basic pieces with titles chanod whose border runs through the decades without changes of time-stopped, because no basic tee-to-distribution took place. Only a be-standing-level-low ground-track titles was most obvious, with no place New-mediated measurement of the basic tee, in the rank of chanod-title to-ge turns on and off a corresponding end of document- provides. In such a document while a position-plan of the base tee illustrated. But the points limit in this management-plan corresponding chambers hold no Num, suggesting forth, that there are very old border stones without Num-chambers-is, or border points not marked with boundary stones. A further indication of such a case is the lack of numbers in the indication of the basic tee-area: Although the land-value-for Rai and Ngan specified, but not the-Jeniger for Tarang-wah (the measure of the smallest area ; unit). This points to a very old, formerly in-turned and inaccurate Ver-mes-sung-through method. These inaccuracies goes into which a surface calculation. As possible, but the surfaces could not be counted-be, but were only from a cartographic graphical representation between position relative to the totality of the parcels (presumably the Lich mass scale 1: 5,000) graphically for each piece of land identified Inevitably, therefore, determined inaccurate, only exactly at full or half-Ngan Ngan. A base-estate purchase agreement, the purchase was agreed on the broad-mediated low-surface-tee, you should consider this.
4th If not for a piece of land with title chanod the boundary-stones found be, one should speak the corre-dig-places. Usually they are found under the ground, dig deeper understanding (because earth-filled) was easily understood or only covers. The mass-rod-EXCLUSIVE helps very able plan, the location of the boundary-stones to plus / minus 1 meter to determined buns. Ver-running the limit corresponding long of a public road or canal lichen, one should run forward to the limit exactly he. It may be that the de facto public-Lich way on the private land-items is-running. And it may be that the public-Lich channel its course by erosion over the years as of the changes has, into the private piece of land. This land is the village of bean-before-available as public-tural land claim and request a basic tee-assignment. Whether the receivables, rightly or not there will only be able to separate the corresponding courts. One should purchase contract before the border-check-run care-fully over.
5th In the management-plan, the num-bers of boundary stones (in Arabic between Numbers indicate) in. This should Num fibrillation with border-stones on the field over one-vote. But has one of the boundary stones, or a small number of border-stones, one may be other Num-mer, so it give it a harm-less primal thing. It is possible, that the post-bar piece of land was re-Ver-measure, the boundary-stone was not findable, and was officially with a new one with a different num-mer replaced. As harmless, it can be when a stone border in the border runs found is that not listed in the document-is out. It is possible that the divided-bar-after piece of land and this was the border-stone is added. Such changes changes, the time-Lich later he followed as, the exhibition of the document may in the document does not develop naturally be-hold. The basic estate office may give off future.
น. ส. 3 ก. No
said Sam Ko
Nor Sor Sarm Kor (NS 3 K) / Nor Sor Sahm Go (NS 3 G.)
The N. S. 3 K. document is a high-ranking land title-deed. It is a document for the right of the possession and use of a certain land for a certain person, and includes the right to be sold, leased, and can be used as a mortgage collateral. In a strict sense, it is not a true title-deed, rather a land exploration testimony, but you can deal with it in almost the same way as a chanod document. It is also possible to apply at the land office for an upgrade to a chanod document.
The N. S. 3 K. document is issued in Thai language. It looks like a chanod document and consists of a single sheet of paper. The symbol of the Thai Nation, centrically on top of the front-side, is imprinted in green color. The headline is given as หนังสือรับรองการทำประโยชน์ (which reads as 'Nung-seu rub-rong gahn-tum-pra-yoht' and means document for having obtained a title or simply title ). It does not contain the word โฉนด (chanod). The official classification น. ส. ๓ ก. (N. S. 3 K.) appears on the top, right hand side. The front-side includes name and address of the land­lord, the land size (in rai, ngan and tarang-wah), a map of the land (north-oriented) with all boundary-markers and plot-numbers, and the scale of the map. The original scale of the map is 1 : 5,000; how­ever, the map displayed in the document might be reproduced in a larger scale, e.g. 1 : 1,250. The reverse side of the document includes chronologically all legal changes.
Land with this title was surveyed decades ago by an old method which was not as precise as a modern method (GPS-based) nowadays in use. The geographic position is often determined by aerial survey photography. One should expect to get a roughly defined boundary (of a few meters) of a certain plot, rather than a precise one, especially when border poles cannot be found.
Das N. S. 3 G. Dokument ist eine high-quality ground-holding certificate. It is an official document on the right to possession and use of a specific piece of land for a specific person and includes the right, possession and use on another person to carry and borrow it to be. Strictly-speaking, there is no property title, but you can have the piece of land nearly so, like a piece of land with chanod title. It is possible, at the land-estate office, a claim, the NS 3 G. chanod title into a title re-convert.
G. The NS 3 document is finally off-Lich in Thai companies domiciled exchanger publication summarizes VER. It looks more like a docu-ment chanod similar and is also made from a single sheet. The symbol of the Thai foreign state is printed on the front page above the middle in green. In the title line: หนังสือรับรองการทำประโยชน์ (Nang-rong Sühs rab-Gahn-prajoht-tham means title, deed ) contains not the word โฉนด (chanod). The designation of their official opening น. ส. 3 ก. (NS 3 G) is on the front page above the right notes. The front-oriented side contains the name and address of the landowner, the piece of land area (in rai, ngan and wah-Tarang), also a full-north-mass-rod-predicament plan of the basic tee with all border points and basic number Pieces. The original mass-bar-tion of the mapping is 1: 5,000; in the docu-ment, however, the position parallel to a greater level rod-again-be given, eg 1: 1,250. The back side of the document contains all the right-of contract changes chrono-logically available on.
The measurement of a piece of land with the title was less accurate, not with the high accuracy of as land-to-chanod Title (with centimeter-accurate GPS-based surveying measurement). The location of the tee is usually an air-picture-on-exception uniquely determined. Many a piece of land remain limits to a few meters out inaccurate, especially when the boundary stones can not be found.
น. ส. No. 3
said Sam
Nor Sor Sarm (NS 3) / Nor Sor Sahm (NS 3)
The NS 3 document is an almost high-ranking title-deed land, but has some restrictions as com- pared to the NS 3 K. document. It is an official document for the right of the possession and use of a certain country for a certain person, and includes the right to be sold and leased. In a strict sense, it is not a true title-deed, rather a land exploration testimony, but you can deal with it in almost the same way as a chanod document. It is also possible to apply at the land office for an upgrade to a chanod document.
The N. S. 3 document is issued in Thai language. It usually consists of a single sheet of paper. The symbol of the Thai Nation, centrically on top of the front-side, is imprinted in green color. The headline does not contain the word chanod . The official classification น. ส. ๓ (N. S. 3) appears on the top, right hand side. The front-side includes name and address of the landlord, a map of the land (north-oriented) with all its boundaries, and the scale of the map.
Land with this title was surveyed not precisely, and not marked with border poles. The borderline and position of the land was only recorded in relation to neighboring land. Consequently, the borderline remains unclear, maybe up to a few meters, and the area size of the land is inaccurate. There is a legal requirement that 30 days of public notice is necessary before any change of status over the land can be registered, which enables neighbors to raise objections. A land that holds this title cannot be partitioned.
Before a sales contract is made, detailed and comprehensive information should have been obtained. A wise precaution is to ask the landlord to stake out the boundaries and then ask neighboring land­lords to confirm the vendor's inter­pretation of the boundary. The results, being written down, mapped and surveyed simple, should be acknow-Ledged by signature from all parties, including the village mayor and witnesses.
The NS 3 document is an almost high-quality ground-holding-deed, but with some A-cabinets-effects compared with an NS 3 G. docu-ment. It is an instrument of their official the right to possession and use of a specific piece of land for a specific person and includes the right, possession and use on another person to carry. Strictly-speaking, no self-Tums-title, but you can about the piece of land almost as Ver add, like a piece of land with chanod title. It is possible, at the land-estate office, a claim, the NS 3 tracks in a re-convert chanod title. The NS 3
document is only in Thai companies domiciled shear-written script. In general, this docu-ment now be made from a single sheet. The symbol of the Thai companies domiciled-between state is printed on the front page above the middle in green. All these docu-ments corresponding not hold the word chanod in the title line. The official designation น planning. ส. 3 (NS 3) is on the front page noted above on the right. The front page contains the name and address of the landlord, and also a full-north-oriented location-plan of the basic tee with all border points and scale.
The measurement of a basic tee with this title was done with less accuracy, with no landmarks. Border-running and location of the tee is only in reference also adjacent piece of land Investiga-. Therefore remain some basic tee limits inaccurate meters out, the basic tee-areas can be identified even without ferries. All legal lichen are Ver-Modify-ments of land-with the long title for 30 days in-announces Lich public, so that, if appropriate, an application of post can be raised barn. A parcels-regulation of a basic tee with this title is not feasible law-Lich.
before concluding a purchase contract one should Mierendorff most comprehensively informed, in particular, the basic tee-neighbors are convened plated. The border points should be put-to measure private consumption and from all post-barn in a written document to be lichen-ment, located sketch and masses recognized. Likewise, one should know the verge, so with the lichen-Saxon-owners to act VER. The village-head should be convened in any case be covered.
ส. ค. 1
Sun Kho Nueng
Sor Kor Noeng (S. K. 1) / So Ko Nüng (S. K. 1)
The S. K. 1 document is a low-ranking land document. It is an official document to confirm the announcement of the possession and use of a certain land for a certain person.
The S. K. 1 document is issued in Thai language. It consists of a single sheet of paper (reverse side empty), and is not similar in appearance to a chanod document. The symbol of the Thai Nation, centrically on top of the front-side, is imprinted in black color. The headline is given as กรมที่ดิน แบบแจ้งการครอบครองที่ดิน which means translated: 'Department of Lands – Notification of Taking Possession of Land'. The official classification ส. ค. ๑ (S. K. 1) appears on top, left hand side. The document includes name and address of the person who took possession of the land, the land size (in rai, ngan and tarang-wah), a description of the borderlines, and a simple sketch-map.
The S. K. 1 document publicly announces who took possession of the land. In 1954, the people who took possession of land were requested by the government through the land offices to declare and register their acquisitions. Upon this, the S. K. 1 document was issued with official signature and seal. In 2005, registration ends; thereafter no such documents will be issued. In case there is proof that the person who took possession of land acted In accordance with the law, then a higher-ranking document can be applied for.
The SK is a docu-ment a low-level ground-holding certificate. It is an official document of the show in-possession and use of a specific piece of land is for a specific Person.Das SK 1 docu-ment-exclusive-lich Thai companies domiciled in shear-written script. It resembles no means a chanod docu-ment and consists of a single sheet (back side is empty). The symbol of the Thai companies domiciled-between state is printed on the front page above the middle in black. In the title line is: กรม ที่ดิน แบบ แจ้ง การ ครอบครอง ที่ดิน (Grom-tieh bähb dschäng-din-din Gahn Krob-Krong tieh ", and means for using translated" depart-ment for the region-dustry-tion of land - communication on the possession-taking of land "). The their official designation ส. ค. 1 (SK 1) is the top left sides. noted the document element contains the name and address of the person in writing that the piece of land owned by GE has taken the basic tee area (in rai, ngan and wah-Tarang), a working-border advertising of the basic-unit-barrier and a layer-plan sketch of the basic stücks.Das document management makes public ; Lich known who the men piece of land in possession of genome and uses it in 1954, the. Land-owners in the government on the basic tee-offices reported, to show their property. Here-for was of this document with their official seal and the signature-out is. In 2005, the deadline for the visual indicator of land-owning, then such additional documentation will be no more-is-out. Downstream is shown that the landowner owns the land lawfully (in ownership has taken GE) and uses it lawfully, the landowner a higher-valued Doku­ment bean­tragen: N. S. 3 oder N. S. 3 G.
ส. ป. ก. (สิทธิประโยชน์ทำกิน)
So Po Ko
Sor Por Kor (S. P. K.) / So Po Go (S. P. G.)
The S. P. K. document is a true land title deed but with legal restrictions. It refers to land allotted by the govern­mental Land Reform Committee with the strict provision of agri­cultural or forestry usage for a certain person. The land is exactly surveyed and marked with border poles. However, it is not allowed for anyone to buy, lease or build on such land, it may only be trans­ferred to the direct heirs of the owner, and it can be mortgaged.It seems to be a contradiction that S. P. K. land cannot virtually be trans­ferred but mortgaged; hence it is worth­less as collateral. If the owner is unable to pay back the mortgage, the mortgagee (usually a bank) cannot get the title trans­ferred. Perhaps a bank will grant a loan of low amount only, and considers the agri­cultural yield of the land as enough security.Notwithstanding the legal restrictions, S. P. K. titled land has often passed from one person to another, the land document being handed over to the 'buyer' upon payment. Further, it custom seems to be that the owner builds up a small house in combination with agri-cultural buildings without permission. How-ever, a foreigner should be advised not to invest in SPK titled land as there is no title legally obtain-able and no security.
The SPG is a docu-ment a certificate of basic estate ownership is very possible to legally cabinets-ten speeds. It is an official document via a land allocation was carried out with host-country-economy-present purpose-determination to a particular person. A government-Com-mission for land grants-reorganization-tion such titles. The country is clear understand and measure with boundary-stones ready market. It may not be sold or otherwise carry on, COPYING OR OTHERWISE, it can only be inherited. The land use is strictly purpose-bound, a BEAB intended utilization must be applied for the Be-willi-tion defines the scope of use. A residential building can not usually established, but the country must mortgaged werden.Es seems to be counter-claim that a piece of land hypo-theca historical- must be be loaded, but not over-wear. Can the basic self-owner, Hypo-library not pay back, then the hypo-libraries-creditor (typically from a bank) is not the opportunities, the country as security is about-to-men bekom . Possibly as the bank will only grant a loan at low altitude on and the agricultural economy-lichen income from the piece of land as collateral be-trachten.Obwohl the title may not be transferred, it shall, not uncommon practice among Thais, with cash-loading the certificate to the "buyer" trainees. Likewise, it is often the case that the equity owners a small residential home with Economic buildings, built on the piece of land without approval. As off country should under no circumstances-in a basic tee with this item invest acids because no Ab is backups.
© by Baan Sammi Real Estate Service, Doi Saket, Chiang Mai 50 220, Thailand - All rights reserved 2003-2006
Chanod-tee-din - Nor Sor Jor Lake (NS 4 years) / chanod-tieh-din - No. Then see Dscho (NS 4 years) [1]
The Thai word โฉนด (chanod) means title or title deed , and the compound word โฉนดที่ดิน (chanod-tee-din) means land title , land title deed , warranty deed , land patent . The word 'chanod-tee-din' is often shortened to 'chanod'. The official classification for this land title is N. S. 4 J .

The chanod document is issued in Thai language. Over the years, the document has modified its appearance. Nowadays, this document usually is issued on a single sheet of paper (36 cm tall and 24 cm wide), with content on both sides. The symbol of the Thai Nation, centrically on top of the front-side, is imprinted in red color. All these documents show the word chanod in the headline, and, in addition in newer documents, the official classification, N. S. 4 J., appears on the top, right hand side. The front-side includes name and address of the landlord, the land size (in rai, ngan and tarang-wah), a map of the land (north-oriented) with all boundary-markers and its numbers, plot-numbers, and the scale of the map. The original scale of the map is often 1 : 1,000; however, the map in the document might be displayed in another given scale. The reverse side of the document includes chronologically all legal changes, eg the name of the new landlord when the land was sold, a person or bank granting a mortgage, a lease-holder (if the owner leased out his land for 30 years), or usufructuray (for life).
The Thai word โฉนด (chanod) translates title , legal title , ownership title , deed ownership, the composite-set word โฉนด ที่ดิน (Chanod-tieh-din) says basic holding certificate . The word chanod-tieh-din is often shortened to chanod . The official classification of this title is NS 4 J .
chanod The document is the most significant ground-holding instrument, that is evidence of the right to ownership of real estate (not only right to property). Any person whose name is entered on the certificate is entitled to rights on real estate (self-Tums-right, but also other rights such as Hypo-library). The certificate serves as proof agents.
chanod The document is written only in Thai foreign source. Over the years, there has to be off to see something changed. In general, this document is now made from a single sheet (36 cm high and 24 cm wide), with details on the front and rear side. The symbol of the Thai companies domiciled-between state is printed on the front page above the middle in red. All these docu-ments corresponding keep the word chanod in the title line, and the recent docu-ments it appears also the official opening designation NS 4 J. top right. The front page contains the name and address of the piece of land owners, the piece of land area (in rai, ngan and wah-Tarang), also a north-ge of teach-th mass-rod-predicament- plan of the basic tee with all border points, Num-chambers of the border points and basic tee-numbered chambers. The original mass of the rod-mapping-tion is often 1: 1,000; in the docu-ment but the situation in other plan-called Mass-bar are put back-ge. The back pages contain all the stops right-of contract-Modify-ments chrono-logically-ge lists, eg the new equity owners accordance with a contract to buy a Hypo-libraries donors (Bank), a basic ; buchlich register-ten tenants (usually for 30 years).
buying, selling and the associated transmission of the piece of land rights is legal in shear-round view without any problems. Nevertheless, before a Purchase on specific type of loading special units shall be respected. Five not so rare special units are working to follow-de-scribed.
first There are basic pieces with chanod title, during a multi-year time section does not carry over to another person may be and therefore can not be over-wear. Only after this period (from game-to-be 15 years) is a trans-mission possible. This could be reason-his clothes that a person as a compen-sation for the work on a dam-dam project, or for loss of land costs due to the congestion-dam-project-going by the state - were suitable. Such a piece of land is equipped with a certificate chanod-equipped, located on the front page of other chanod Records is leaving nothing below. On the reverse side, however, a block-carry endorsements GE, the company is to develop, at what date a trans-mission of the title is possible.
second If the piece of land with a mortgage library or otherwise, COPYING OR OTHERWISE (eg Niess consumption) charge, this is on the back of the docu-ments Dschanoht noted, as is the name of the current basic tee - self-owner. This information should be in front of a purchase agreement without necessarily-checking and also ask at the land-estate office. In the case of working with a hypo-load library, a bank should maintain the original of the basic tee-docu-ments to their safety them safe. It is therefore the Bank before making a purchase - contract contacted have pets.
third In general it can be assumed that land-titles with chanod clear understand-me-sen have been and with boundary-stones VER market boundaries points to-point. Today's cadastral survey, land-with-titles are chanod with centimeter-accuracy through GPS-based surveying solution. However, there are basic pieces with titles chanod whose border runs through the decades without changes of time-stopped, because no basic tee-to-distribution took place. Only a be-standing-level-low ground-track titles was most obvious, with no place New-mediated measurement of the basic tee, in the rank of chanod-title to-ge turns on and off a corresponding end of document- provides. In such a document while a position-plan of the base tee illustrated. But the points limit in this management-plan corresponding chambers hold no Num, suggesting forth, that there are very old border stones without Num-chambers-is, or border points not marked with boundary stones. A further indication of such a case is the lack of numbers in the indication of the basic tee-area: Although the land-value-for Rai and Ngan specified, but not the-Jeniger for Tarang-wah (the measure of the smallest area ; unit). This points to a very old, formerly in-turned and inaccurate Ver-mes-sung-through method. These inaccuracies goes into which a surface calculation. As possible, but the surfaces could not be counted-be, but were only from a cartographic graphical representation between position relative to the totality of the parcels (presumably the Lich mass scale 1: 5,000) graphically for each piece of land identified Inevitably, therefore, determined inaccurate, only exactly at full or half-Ngan Ngan. A base-estate purchase agreement, the purchase was agreed on the broad-mediated low-surface-tee, you should consider this.
4th If not for a piece of land with title chanod the boundary-stones found be, one should speak the corre-dig-places. Usually they are found under the ground, dig deeper understanding (because earth-filled) was easily understood or only covers. The mass-rod-EXCLUSIVE helps very able plan, the location of the boundary-stones to plus / minus 1 meter to determined buns. Ver-running the limit corresponding long of a public road or canal lichen, one should run forward to the limit exactly he. It may be that the de facto public-Lich way on the private land-items is-running. And it may be that the public-Lich channel its course by erosion over the years as of the changes has, into the private piece of land. This land is the village of bean-before-available as public-tural land claim and request a basic tee-assignment. Whether the receivables, rightly or not there will only be able to separate the corresponding courts. One should purchase contract before the border-check-run care-fully over.
5th In the management-plan, the num-bers of boundary stones (in Arabic between Numbers indicate) in. This should Num fibrillation with border-stones on the field over one-vote. But has one of the boundary stones, or a small number of border-stones, one may be other Num-mer, so it give it a harm-less primal thing. It is possible, that the post-bar piece of land was re-Ver-measure, the boundary-stone was not findable, and was officially with a new one with a different num-mer replaced. As harmless, it can be when a stone border in the border runs found is that not listed in the document-is out. It is possible that the divided-bar-after piece of land and this was the border-stone is added. Such changes changes, the time-Lich later he followed as, the exhibition of the document may in the document does not develop naturally be-hold. The basic estate office may give off future.
น. ส. 3 ก. No
said Sam Ko
Nor Sor Sarm Kor (NS 3 K) / Nor Sor Sahm Go (NS 3 G.)
The N. S. 3 K. document is a high-ranking land title-deed. It is a document for the right of the possession and use of a certain land for a certain person, and includes the right to be sold, leased, and can be used as a mortgage collateral. In a strict sense, it is not a true title-deed, rather a land exploration testimony, but you can deal with it in almost the same way as a chanod document. It is also possible to apply at the land office for an upgrade to a chanod document.

Land with this title was surveyed decades ago by an old method which was not as precise as a modern method (GPS-based) nowadays in use. The geographic position is often determined by aerial survey photography. One should expect to get a roughly defined boundary (of a few meters) of a certain plot, rather than a precise one, especially when border poles cannot be found.
Das N. S. 3 G. Dokument ist eine high-quality ground-holding certificate. It is an official document on the right to possession and use of a specific piece of land for a specific person and includes the right, possession and use on another person to carry and borrow it to be. Strictly-speaking, there is no property title, but you can have the piece of land nearly so, like a piece of land with chanod title. It is possible, at the land-estate office, a claim, the NS 3 G. chanod title into a title re-convert.
G. The NS 3 document is finally off-Lich in Thai companies domiciled exchanger publication summarizes VER. It looks more like a docu-ment chanod similar and is also made from a single sheet. The symbol of the Thai foreign state is printed on the front page above the middle in green. In the title line: หนังสือรับรองการทำประโยชน์ (Nang-rong Sühs rab-Gahn-prajoht-tham means title, deed ) contains not the word โฉนด (chanod). The designation of their official opening น. ส. 3 ก. (NS 3 G) is on the front page above the right notes. The front-oriented side contains the name and address of the landowner, the piece of land area (in rai, ngan and wah-Tarang), also a full-north-mass-rod-predicament plan of the basic tee with all border points and basic number Pieces. The original mass-bar-tion of the mapping is 1: 5,000; in the docu-ment, however, the position parallel to a greater level rod-again-be given, eg 1: 1,250. The back side of the document contains all the right-of contract changes chrono-logically available on.
The measurement of a piece of land with the title was less accurate, not with the high accuracy of as land-to-chanod Title (with centimeter-accurate GPS-based surveying measurement). The location of the tee is usually an air-picture-on-exception uniquely determined. Many a piece of land remain limits to a few meters out inaccurate, especially when the boundary stones can not be found.
น. ส. No. 3
said Sam
Nor Sor Sarm (NS 3) / Nor Sor Sahm (NS 3)
The NS 3 document is an almost high-ranking title-deed land, but has some restrictions as com- pared to the NS 3 K. document. It is an official document for the right of the possession and use of a certain country for a certain person, and includes the right to be sold and leased. In a strict sense, it is not a true title-deed, rather a land exploration testimony, but you can deal with it in almost the same way as a chanod document. It is also possible to apply at the land office for an upgrade to a chanod document.
The N. S. 3 document is issued in Thai language. It usually consists of a single sheet of paper. The symbol of the Thai Nation, centrically on top of the front-side, is imprinted in green color. The headline does not contain the word chanod . The official classification น. ส. ๓ (N. S. 3) appears on the top, right hand side. The front-side includes name and address of the landlord, a map of the land (north-oriented) with all its boundaries, and the scale of the map.
Land with this title was surveyed not precisely, and not marked with border poles. The borderline and position of the land was only recorded in relation to neighboring land. Consequently, the borderline remains unclear, maybe up to a few meters, and the area size of the land is inaccurate. There is a legal requirement that 30 days of public notice is necessary before any change of status over the land can be registered, which enables neighbors to raise objections. A land that holds this title cannot be partitioned.
Before a sales contract is made, detailed and comprehensive information should have been obtained. A wise precaution is to ask the landlord to stake out the boundaries and then ask neighboring land­lords to confirm the vendor's inter­pretation of the boundary. The results, being written down, mapped and surveyed simple, should be acknow-Ledged by signature from all parties, including the village mayor and witnesses.
The NS 3 document is an almost high-quality ground-holding-deed, but with some A-cabinets-effects compared with an NS 3 G. docu-ment. It is an instrument of their official the right to possession and use of a specific piece of land for a specific person and includes the right, possession and use on another person to carry. Strictly-speaking, no self-Tums-title, but you can about the piece of land almost as Ver add, like a piece of land with chanod title. It is possible, at the land-estate office, a claim, the NS 3 tracks in a re-convert chanod title. The NS 3
document is only in Thai companies domiciled shear-written script. In general, this docu-ment now be made from a single sheet. The symbol of the Thai companies domiciled-between state is printed on the front page above the middle in green. All these docu-ments corresponding not hold the word chanod in the title line. The official designation น planning. ส. 3 (NS 3) is on the front page noted above on the right. The front page contains the name and address of the landlord, and also a full-north-oriented location-plan of the basic tee with all border points and scale.
The measurement of a basic tee with this title was done with less accuracy, with no landmarks. Border-running and location of the tee is only in reference also adjacent piece of land Investiga-. Therefore remain some basic tee limits inaccurate meters out, the basic tee-areas can be identified even without ferries. All legal lichen are Ver-Modify-ments of land-with the long title for 30 days in-announces Lich public, so that, if appropriate, an application of post can be raised barn. A parcels-regulation of a basic tee with this title is not feasible law-Lich.
before concluding a purchase contract one should Mierendorff most comprehensively informed, in particular, the basic tee-neighbors are convened plated. The border points should be put-to measure private consumption and from all post-barn in a written document to be lichen-ment, located sketch and masses recognized. Likewise, one should know the verge, so with the lichen-Saxon-owners to act VER. The village-head should be convened in any case be covered.
ส. ค. 1
Sun Kho Nueng
Sor Kor Noeng (S. K. 1) / So Ko Nüng (S. K. 1)
The S. K. 1 document is a low-ranking land document. It is an official document to confirm the announcement of the possession and use of a certain land for a certain person.

The S. K. 1 document publicly announces who took possession of the land. In 1954, the people who took possession of land were requested by the government through the land offices to declare and register their acquisitions. Upon this, the S. K. 1 document was issued with official signature and seal. In 2005, registration ends; thereafter no such documents will be issued. In case there is proof that the person who took possession of land acted In accordance with the law, then a higher-ranking document can be applied for.
The SK is a docu-ment a low-level ground-holding certificate. It is an official document of the show in-possession and use of a specific piece of land is for a specific Person.Das SK 1 docu-ment-exclusive-lich Thai companies domiciled in shear-written script. It resembles no means a chanod docu-ment and consists of a single sheet (back side is empty). The symbol of the Thai companies domiciled-between state is printed on the front page above the middle in black. In the title line is: กรม ที่ดิน แบบ แจ้ง การ ครอบครอง ที่ดิน (Grom-tieh bähb dschäng-din-din Gahn Krob-Krong tieh ", and means for using translated" depart-ment for the region-dustry-tion of land - communication on the possession-taking of land "). The their official designation ส. ค. 1 (SK 1) is the top left sides. noted the document element contains the name and address of the person in writing that the piece of land owned by GE has taken the basic tee area (in rai, ngan and wah-Tarang), a working-border advertising of the basic-unit-barrier and a layer-plan sketch of the basic stücks.Das document management makes public ; Lich known who the men piece of land in possession of genome and uses it in 1954, the. Land-owners in the government on the basic tee-offices reported, to show their property. Here-for was of this document with their official seal and the signature-out is. In 2005, the deadline for the visual indicator of land-owning, then such additional documentation will be no more-is-out. Downstream is shown that the landowner owns the land lawfully (in ownership has taken GE) and uses it lawfully, the landowner a higher-valued Doku­ment bean­tragen: N. S. 3 oder N. S. 3 G.
ส. ป. ก. (สิทธิประโยชน์ทำกิน)
So Po Ko
Sor Por Kor (S. P. K.) / So Po Go (S. P. G.)
The S. P. K. document is a true land title deed but with legal restrictions. It refers to land allotted by the govern­mental Land Reform Committee with the strict provision of agri­cultural or forestry usage for a certain person. The land is exactly surveyed and marked with border poles. However, it is not allowed for anyone to buy, lease or build on such land, it may only be trans­ferred to the direct heirs of the owner, and it can be mortgaged.It seems to be a contradiction that S. P. K. land cannot virtually be trans­ferred but mortgaged; hence it is worth­less as collateral. If the owner is unable to pay back the mortgage, the mortgagee (usually a bank) cannot get the title trans­ferred. Perhaps a bank will grant a loan of low amount only, and considers the agri­cultural yield of the land as enough security.Notwithstanding the legal restrictions, S. P. K. titled land has often passed from one person to another, the land document being handed over to the 'buyer' upon payment. Further, it custom seems to be that the owner builds up a small house in combination with agri-cultural buildings without permission. How-ever, a foreigner should be advised not to invest in SPK titled land as there is no title legally obtain-able and no security.
The SPG is a docu-ment a certificate of basic estate ownership is very possible to legally cabinets-ten speeds. It is an official document via a land allocation was carried out with host-country-economy-present purpose-determination to a particular person. A government-Com-mission for land grants-reorganization-tion such titles. The country is clear understand and measure with boundary-stones ready market. It may not be sold or otherwise carry on, COPYING OR OTHERWISE, it can only be inherited. The land use is strictly purpose-bound, a BEAB intended utilization must be applied for the Be-willi-tion defines the scope of use. A residential building can not usually established, but the country must mortgaged werden.Es seems to be counter-claim that a piece of land hypo-theca historical- must be be loaded, but not over-wear. Can the basic self-owner, Hypo-library not pay back, then the hypo-libraries-creditor (typically from a bank) is not the opportunities, the country as security is about-to-men bekom . Possibly as the bank will only grant a loan at low altitude on and the agricultural economy-lichen income from the piece of land as collateral be-trachten.Obwohl the title may not be transferred, it shall, not uncommon practice among Thais, with cash-loading the certificate to the "buyer" trainees. Likewise, it is often the case that the equity owners a small residential home with Economic buildings, built on the piece of land without approval. As off country should under no circumstances-in a basic tee with this item invest acids because no Ab is backups.
© by Baan Sammi Real Estate Service, Doi Saket, Chiang Mai 50 220, Thailand - All rights reserved 2003-2006
[1] The first line of the heading is in Thai script, the second line in the official RTI-Transcription (RTI = Royal Thai Institue). The succeeding line comprises first a phonetic transcription into English, followed by a phonetic transcription into German. This sequence applies to all further headings below.